17 day diet

Has anyone tried this? I am wondering how your results are.


  • cpettigrew
    cpettigrew Posts: 168 Member
    I used the 17 day diet, and it worked. my biggest issue when i was using it was my schedule. i was pulling 20 hour days during the week. it wants a lot of fresh cooked meals, which is great. i am single, so with the hours i was pulling, it wasnt easy. I havent restarted it since my schedule has eased up. right now i am trying something different because i am not a fan of breakfast or dinner. i have a terrible habit of only eating a hearty lunch and being content.
    it is a wonderful program though, as it teaches/helps you to learn to eat healthy. i lost about 10 pounds the first 14 days i was on it, and with no exercise. again, i didnt end up sticking to it because of my schedule. i would recommend buy the book, if you havent already, if you plan on doing it. i started with photo copies of certain things that someone gave me. when i bought the book, there was so much more info, and it made a lot more sense.