People who run with their dogs? (tiny bit icky)



  • Goosiesnougs
    maybe a lightweight coffee cup that you can tie to the leash?
    after you put in in a baggie. Should probably mark it as such so noone uses it mistakenly?
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    If you are going to loop back past where the dog has gone and you've bagged it, I would set the bag to the side of the street or trail and pick it back up. I do that whenever I am walking mine on the beach, I just toss it way up so the water doesn't wash it away if the tide comes in. You could get a doggie backpack and let one of them carry the poop in their backpack. I used to do that with one of my goldens. Until he refused to go out the door with the backpack on. LOL. I don't know if it was the poop in it or if he just didn't like the backpack.
  • scott1080
    scott1080 Posts: 109 Member
    i run with my dog all the time actually just got back which is funny you just posted this..anyway what i do is walk him around first till he takes care of buisness then i run with him
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Tie it to the dog's collar.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    Tie it to the dog's collar.

    That's just mean! :laugh:
  • sheryllamb72
    sheryllamb72 Posts: 163 Member
    Cork pooches bum!! :laugh:
  • Mawkish1983
    Mawkish1983 Posts: 117 Member
    A. run on trash day when all the bins are out ;)
    If anyone put their dog's mess in MY bin I'd be furious!
    ...fields in the country side so no need to pick up
    What rot, there is nothing worse than going for a nice country walk and stepping in someone else's dog's mess.
    stick and flick
    Absolutely disgusting.

    I don't have a dog because I cannot stand the mess... having dog owners thrusting their mess upon me is terribly inconsiderate.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    mawkish, given that this thread is actually about being *considerate* dog owners, I think your righteous indignation is a tad misplaced. Perhaps you need to go sort your poo issues out somewhere quiet, and then come back and have a chat with us?

    Why even *read* a thread about dogs if you dislike them so much? Seriously... ?
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    "stick and flick" is a method advocated by our local forestry comission around here, and it's intended to flick it to the dense undergrowth, so it's not like people are flicking it at people's windows or anything, it's to get it away from any trodden areas - and ultimately better for the environment than bagging and binning!
  • Mawkish1983
    Mawkish1983 Posts: 117 Member
    Why even *read* a thread about dogs if you dislike them so much? Seriously... ?
    You're right. As a dog hater I have absolutely no right to read a thread about dogs. How dare I!? I mean, dog owners in no-way affect non-dog owners --- there is no interaction between the two --- no reason ever for a non-dog owner to even speak to or even look upon a dog owner. Scrap that, we shouildn't even be breathing the same air without permission first.

    You need to have a word with yourself.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    "stick and flick" is a method advocated by our local forestry comission around here, and it's intended to flick it to the dense undergrowth, so it's not like people are flicking it at people's windows or anything, it's to get it away from any trodden areas - and ultimately better for the environment than bagging and binning!

    I suspect 'Martyred in Manchester' isn't really interested in the detail. Just wanted to have a go at people who are actually *trying* to be responsible.

    I blame the sideburns.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I saw this on Dragon's den: a young woman had designed a pretty, plastic-lined bag, and she put it in there. I think you could probably come up with the same thing: a pretty bag, just big enough, lined with plastic that you could double again, and put the poop bag in that. Well hidden. Doesn't gross you, nor anyone you encounter. Looks attractive, and the contents are easy to dispose of.
  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    My darn dog, a Dingo, will poop, AS SHE IS WALKING, call that talented..until you step in it..I always bring several bags. It doesn't bother me to carry it, I was RN, seem, smelled, and held, much fouler things than dog poo.

    I really like the idea of the dog pack tho. Will try that, maybe she can carry my water bottle, cell, and keys too.

    Ain't nobody gettin' a free ride in my house anymore!! ha ha.

    Happy Easter, HE HAS RISEN!!

    In faith, Nicolette
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Why even *read* a thread about dogs if you dislike them so much? Seriously... ?
    You're right. As a dog hater I have absolutely no right to read a thread about dogs. How dare I!? I mean, dog owners in no-way affect non-dog owners --- there is no interaction between the two --- no reason ever for a non-dog owner to even speak to or even look upon a dog owner. Scrap that, we shouildn't even be breathing the same air without permission first.

    You need to have a word with yourself.

    You appear, in your rush to be offended, to have missed the point of the thread. Given that you don't like dogs, own a dog, or run, quite what did you feel you could offer to a well intentioned query... other than being a prat?

    If being a prat was, indeed, your intention, then mission accomplished mate. Well done you!

    And sliding off topic slightly.... Do you think having a disclaimer about 'not meaning to be offensive' in your profile makes you any less of a twit when you deliberately attempt to be so?
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    Me being a knitter, the first thing that came to my mind was to knit a doggy jacket type thing that had pockets!
    Or maybe you could fashion some sort of belt with pockest that fits around your doggy's waist.

    Hey! I should start knitting something for doggy poop! I could make millions!
    Remember: 'Nessesity is the Mother of Invention' lol!

    Good luck to you and thanx for being such a good pet owner.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    lol, I love the idea of a knitted poop bag. Stretchy.... :-)
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    "stick and flick" is a method advocated by our local forestry comission around here, and it's intended to flick it to the dense undergrowth, so it's not like people are flicking it at people's windows or anything, it's to get it away from any trodden areas - and ultimately better for the environment than bagging and binning!

    I suspect 'Martyred in Manchester' isn't really interested in the detail. Just wanted to have a go at people who are actually *trying* to be responsible.

    I blame the sideburns.

    HAHAHA! "I blame the sideburns." Good one!
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    "stick and flick" is a method advocated by our local forestry comission around here, and it's intended to flick it to the dense undergrowth, so it's not like people are flicking it at people's windows or anything, it's to get it away from any trodden areas - and ultimately better for the environment than bagging and binning!

    I suspect 'Martyred in Manchester' isn't really interested in the detail. Just wanted to have a go at people who are actually *trying* to be responsible.

    I blame the sideburns.

    Like I always told my children: It's SO EASY to be offensive, sarcastic and mean; but it takes some brains to be helpful, kind and beautiful on the inside as well as the outside.

    BUT I must say this: HAHAHA! "I blame the sideburns." Good one!
  • Mawkish1983
    Mawkish1983 Posts: 117 Member
    You appear, in your rush to be offended, to have missed the point of the thread.
    I'm not offended.
    Given that you don't like dogs, own a dog, or run, quite what did you feel you could offer to a well intentioned query... other than being a prat?
    I was commenting on specific advice I did not agree with. Other advice that I did agree with, I ignored. What I felt I could offer a well intentioned query was a point of view, my point of view, the point of view of a non-dog owner. In essence: take your mess with you, don't put it in strangers' bins, leave it beside the country path or flick it into a bush where children might play.
    If being a prat was, indeed, your intention, then mission accomplished mate. Well done you!
    At no point have I insulted you, so I don't see how this is constructive. I also don't see how I've been a prat by sharing my point of view.
    And sliding off topic slightly.... Do you think having a disclaimer about 'not meaning to be offensive' in your profile makes you any less of a twit when you deliberately attempt to be so?
    I have not 'deliberately attempted to be a twit', not at all. I have shared an opinion but because my opinion isn't agreed upon my sideburns, location and other aspects of my profile have been brought into question: including my right to post on this thread at all.

    Perhaps we should get back on topic?
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Wow, you're a savant. Not trying, and still managing it so incredibly well! I applaud you.

    But if you don't get *how* your intervention was offensive, you might want to do some work on that 'insight' thing. Your contribution was not constructive, and was not on topic.

    As to the rest... well, bless you. Seriously. You and your facial hair.