

  • roshart
    roshart Posts: 18
    I know how you feel. Try getting a diet buddy that way you guys can keep each other motivated.
  • roshart
    roshart Posts: 18
    I know how you feel. Try getting a diet buddy that way you guys can keep each other motivated.

    My diet buddy and I weigh in every Monday morning and report our weight. We also put £3 each into a pot. If we gain weight we have to pay £10. When we have enough in the pot, we will treat ourselves to a spa day. Whenever either of us is struggling we phone each other for support and a good talking to.. It really works
  • grannynickel
    grannynickel Posts: 48 Member
    Sustained motivation is a problem for me, too! It seems I wake up with the very best of intentions and before I've finished my first cup of tea I've wrecked my day by eating something I didn't really want and that didn't taste good to me. Blech!!! I've been plateaued for almost a 3-month time period and I'm not happy about it! BUT, I know that I'm not really working at it either. So, what's to do; what's to do. One day at a time and one meal at a time. If you eat it, own it. It's okay. Understand where you are on your journey and try not to confuse the issue with excuses. While I hate the plateau I am on, I must not hate it enough to make the changes I need to start losing the weight again. I refuse to beat myself up about it, however. As long as I remain honest with myself I can keep it all in check and I know that one day I will wake up with the very best of intentions and that will be the day I will not wreck my day with unwanted food. Good luck to you. You can friend me if you want to share this journey.