Back at it.

yogsvr4 Posts: 149 Member

A year ago I decided to drop some weight. I had gotten back from a trip to China and felt like a hippo wandering amongst the deer. I took up biking and made a concerted effort to eat better (not great, but better). After five months I was down seventy-two pounds.

I am sure the biking did the most weight loss for me. Where I live we have a long winter and the amount of skiing I was able to do didn't match the biking of last summer. It helped conribute to me packing back on eighteen of those pounds.

Its biking time again so I am confident I can get those back off plus another fifteen. Last year, I didn't know about this site. I'm hoping with what I'm reading from all the posters and the use of the tools provided, I can get to where I want and stay there.


  • sting5
    sting5 Posts: 408
    Welcome..this site is great. Keeping a food diary works great for me and I hope it works for you too. Good Luck your pic!