So depressed and disappointed. HELP

Around new years time I lost aroun 13 kg's and now to this day i seem to have put on 6 kgs!! It seems as if all my effort went to waste! Anyway I keep thinking back to how good I looked and how happy I was with my weight and keep wishing and hoping I can do it again! I have been exercising 4 hrs about 6 days a week, I eat a strict vegan low fat low carb diet... WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? This is pretty much driving me insane and I would really like to hear other peoples thoughts about it as no one I know diets or understands my troubles. Would REALLY appreciate some advice on how to LOSE 6 KGS! Thankyou


  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    take it slow...set MFPs goals to 1/2 - 1 pound per week. Try to be active. Eat your calories burned via exercise + the calorie target allotted without exercise (MFP automatically updates when you add in exercise) so eat what it tells you and be patient. Try to focus on today, not where you once were.
  • steviegreeks
    steviegreeks Posts: 35 Member
    Have you been keeping under your calorie count? I have a few friends who are on restricted diets and think because they're not allowed a certain food group they go a little crazy on the ones they can. Do you exercise for 4hours 6 times a week? If so that is too much and is a really ineffective way to work your body. You will get much better results working your *kitten* off for under an hour, circuit training, rpm classes, interval training on the bike/treadmill are all pretty hardcore. The only thing you can do is eat less, exercise regularly, and stay on here for motivation :) Good luck!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    I have been exercising 4 hrs about 6 days a week

    I find it hard to believe you've gained 6 kg if you are exercising like this.
  • ArtsyGeekette
    ArtsyGeekette Posts: 29 Member
    Hello miss19. If you are looking to lose fat and maintain muscle, you might want to try cutting out any processed food and focus on real food like coconut oil, nuts in moderation, and perhaps you might want to rethink going vegan and low-fat if you are not losing weight. Also, water intake is important.

    I see you are stressing your body out with too much exercise and possibly not getting enough quality protein, fat and complex carbohydrates.

    I am definitely no weight loss guru, but feel free to check out for help as they have many people of various fitness levels who may be able to guide you along. Who knows, it may be you just need better macro nutrients in your vegan lifestyle choice? Good luck to you.
  • Pampie66
    Pampie66 Posts: 1
    You may not be eating enough. Are you eating at least 1200 calories a day? Do you eat some fat? You need good fat to digest your veggies. Are you getting enough protein?

    Do you eat too much sugar?

    If you fill out a diet plan using this software, it will tell you if you are getting the right nutrition.
  • sphinxdust
    sphinxdust Posts: 59 Member
    I was a vegetarian for 12 years, and through that experience I understand how hard it can be to eat properly without eating too many carbs and not enough protein. It's the caloric proportions like on the MFP app pie chart that is most important. If you want to stay lean, eat at or under your minimum daily caloric intake while exercising three times a week or more, but keep your carb percentage between 15% and 30% or as close to that range as possible. Your protein should be at or approaching 40%. With these two, your fats should fall in line at up to 40-45%(fats have more calories).

    To find out what great vegetarian sources of protein are, read my blog entry about Vegetarianism and Protein!
  • ByrdMessy
    ByrdMessy Posts: 94
    Open your diary. Are you a vegan because you want to lose weight and you think it's the healthiest way to do it? It's probably one of the hardest ways to do it right! If I weren't eating fish right now, I don't know how I'd possibly get all my calories in every day.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    For the OP: begin vegan does not automatically ensure you are going to shed your pounds. You have to watch your caloric intake. If you eat nothing but veggies (and this means, no salt, no oil), starchy foods and water, you will lose weight. I recommend studying the McDougall diet, but you have to comply with it.

    Oil (coconut, olive, canola or any and all) is high in calories. Don't believe me, just read the nutrition label. It is so high in calories, you are sabotaging yourself because you will still be hungry while consuming calories that don't satisfy (fill up your stomach).

    I am of the low fat camp, but I also understand that calories are calories no matter the source.
  • Monkina
    Monkina Posts: 7
    I agree it sounds like you're overtaxing your body. You may have thrown it into "starvation mode" where it's storing every calorie it can. Allow yourself to rest and check your nutrient balance. Focus on the fact that you're lighter than when you _first_ lost weight. Then let MFP help you lose more at a sensible rate. If you're still at a plateau in a month, you may consider seeing a nutritionist or dietitian for further insight.
  • darla0806
    If you are working out that much then you are gaininf muscle mass and muscle weighs more than fat!
  • darla0806
    but olive oil is good for you heart per my nutritionist!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I eat a strict vegan low fat low carb diet... WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?

    Probably this...

    If you are working out 4 hours a day, you need to fuel your body. How many calories are you eating? What do those calories consist of? Are you getting all of the necessary protein to maintain your lean body mass?

    Being vegan is a great choice, as long as you are careful to get the necessary calories and macronutrients from non-animal sources. But if you are also doing low fat and low carb, what is that leaving you with?
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    I have been exercising 4 hrs about 6 days a week

    I find it hard to believe you've gained 6 kg if you are exercising like this.

    Ditto, unless you are lifting heavy. If you are building muscle, you will see it in your measurements. If you are just walking for exercise, or doing some other none weight lifting exercise, then I find it hard to believe you've gained 6 kg unless you are not controlling your calorie intake.

    Everyone is different. I don't eat back all my exercise calories. I burn about 1000 calories a day. I pay attention to the net, which you will find on the homepage. I keep it around 350-400. I seem to do good when I do so. You will need to play a bit and see what you need to keep the net around.

    Additionally, if you are not getting enough nutrients, which is very possible on a vegetarian diet, your body will hold on to what it can. Being on a vegetarian diet and exercising is taxing to the body. Especially if you are exercising hard. Just my opinion.