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I want to run!!

Hello everyone,

I am 32 years old and I have always wanted to be able to take off out the door and run for miles at a time. I find myself envious of those who do it so effortlessly. I can run but for very short distances. Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a distance runner, as I'm built more like someone who should be tearing through offensive lines on a football field, meaning I am 6'4" and as of yesterday 312 lbs. My best friend and I are working to get in better shape and are working out everyday. She is doing amazing and looks to be getting ready for a charity run later this month. I feel that I will never be able to do what she is doing. Any advice? Is it possible for someone to simply not be cut out for running?


  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 926 Member
    there is a program called C25k- means couch to 5k. It is designed to ease you into running with walking/running. You can just google C25k and it is there for you. I bet you can do it!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I always wanted to be a runner too. Buy good running shoes. Know you will be slow and just go run don't worry about speed or distance go by time commit to 30 minutes and run what you can and walk wha t you can. Just keep at it before you know it you will be a runner too
  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    I second the couch to 5 k. I was a non runner and it made me a runner! Some people take it slow and do each week twice and all shapes and sizes have used it. You can do it!
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    I love to run. Most of my running is done on a treadmill. Running purges your body thru sweat. Take your time and push yourself a little at a time and before you know it you're running a 5K race.

    Love to Run. Run to Love.
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    I started running at 340+... just take it easy take it slow. Walk when you need too, no shame in it. It will come in time, but it takes a while. I'm down to 267 now and have completed 6-7 5K's an 8K, a 10K and a half marathon.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    Yup. C25K is the best! I am 5'10" and all legs. I am slow as hell but I have finished two 10K and seven 5K races since December. I even signed up for a Half Marathon in October. If you want to be a runner, you CAN do it!!!
  • bcr1559
    bcr1559 Posts: 62 Member
    use c25k.com for a great training program. I used it in March 2011 and when I started I couldn't even run for 2 minutes without having to stop. After finishing the program I was running 3 miles with no problems. I then decided to try for a half marathon in the fall. I used the marathonrookie.com training. I finished my 1/2 marathon in 2 hrs. 24 mins. and was able to run the whole time. I believe if you want it bad enough you will be able to make it work when using the right tools. Set some goals for yourself and make them into reality! Good luck!
  • First of all, you can run just do it slowly at first and for short distances...unless you have an injury, and in that case rest...I agree with googling c25k and starting there...second of all I started 8 months ago and could barely run for a minute, now I can run for over an hour and I'm training for my first half-marathon in Sept. 2012...you can do whatever you put your mind to, unless of course your injured ...blessings and good luck...
  • RenG57
    RenG57 Posts: 2
    Yes, you to can run. I run in fact I just ran 3 miles today. I'm overweight and my knees hurt as do my feet. I come home and ice them. Last year I did my first half marathon it was brutal 8 miles up hill and 5.2 down. It took me four hours and it was great. I was sore for the rest of the week but it felt good. I never thought I could run either but I just put on good shoes and go out and do it. You don't have to be fast but you do have to get out and do it. Start slow and just keep at it before you know it you will be running with bulls:laugh:
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    I totally agree with the C25K recommendations! I used to hate to run, but it was actually enjoyable. It turned me into a runner at 40 years old! I may be a slow runner, but I'm still a runner :-)
  • nadiafox
    nadiafox Posts: 24
    You can do it! Just start off slow - and push yourself a little faster/further each week.
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    I always wanted to run, too. I completed the c25k last November and have since run in five 5Ks with my 6th one in two weeks. I never ever imagined I would be able to call myself a runner, but I do! I came home from work today and ran over 5 miles to "relax". It's amazing how addicting and fulfilling running can be. If you set your mind to it, you can do it. Best of luck to you.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    Becoming a runner is a process...much like losing weight. You need to increase mileage in small chunks. Couch to 5k is a good resource. Read Runner's world to become informed on how to become a runner. I believe anyone can be a runner...just don't expect to much at once. Running is like any other sport it takes practice...practice..practice to get better.
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    First, good luck to you...

    I'll share the short version of my story.. I didn't run, EVER until I was in my mid 30's.. I hated it..
    But I WANTED to run... so I signed up for a local 5k that was 2 months away. For 2 weeks, I walked as far as I could in one hour. Then, I mapped out a 5k path and walked it.. I continued to walk and then, when I could, I jogged a bit.. by the end of the month, I was able to cover the 5k distance in about a 15 minute mile. (same idea behind the C25k program, find it on iTunes)..
    When I was 40, I signed up to do my first marathon... never quite made it (became pregnant during training) but I finished numerous mini and half marathons and LOVED it..

    Fast forward, haven't run in 6 years, I had gained 50 pounds and was READY.. This time, I just made a promise to myself to 'move'.. that was it.. 'move' anyway I could... walk, run, skip, crawl, just to do something for an hour.. that was January..
    February became my 'jog' month and March and April are now my training months for a 1/2 marathon on May 6th...

    I wanted to do this. I planned to do this. I made a schedule to do this. I made sure I had the right equipment to do this, including GREAT shoes (fitted at my local running store), socks, and even compression socks..

    YOU CAN DO THIS TOO. Make it your priority and you WILL NOT fail..
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,468 Member
    I felt the same way for a long time. If you want it bad enough. I believe you'll be a runner. Start slow, if you think you are going slow enough go even slower :) Build your endurance first then work on speed. Good luck to you! Its like a drug once you get it.
  • spinn477
    spinn477 Posts: 8 Member
    I definitely recommend the C25K, I have a friend that started running that way and it really worked for her. She started last year and I would say she definitely a runner now. Its a great way to build endurance for beginners.
  • schwim
    schwim Posts: 65
    I have to recommend couch to 5k also. its such a great programme. just commit yourself to do what the podcast says because they know what their doing and push you even when you think its impossible. it gets addictive though. I love the sense of accomplishment after a run even though during I really don't like it sometimes. you can definitely do it at any weight. go as slow as you want and be proud of the time and effort you put in.
  • wonk1968
    wonk1968 Posts: 30
    You can run!!!!!

    That really is all you have to tell yourself, like every body else has said just take it easy to begin with run/walk/run/walk & slowly it will get easier to run further, just stick with it & believe in yourself.

    Perhaps set your self a goal, such as enter a race in the future to give yourself motivation to keep going & something to aim at.

  • Yes, you to can run. I run in fact I just ran 3 miles today. I'm overweight and my knees hurt as do my feet. I come home and ice them. Last year I did my first half marathon it was brutal 8 miles up hill and 5.2 down. It took me four hours and it was great. I was sore for the rest of the week but it felt good. I never thought I could run either but I just put on good shoes and go out and do it. You don't have to be fast but you do have to get out and do it. Start slow and just keep at it before you know it you will be running with bulls:laugh:

    Race to Robie Creek?
  • I've been interested in picking up running too its very difficult with a 1 year old. :/ I want to get a treadmill tho I think it would be easier for me to find the time at home