What I did while babysitting

I babysit a lot and some days it prevents me from getting in a good workout. Today I tried to stay active while watching a little boy, and here's what I did. Maybe it'll give some other babysitters or SAHMs a few ideas. I did 20 of most of these (on each side/leg/arm), and it was all spread out over about 5 hours, so I didn't break a sweat or get my heart rate way up, but I definitely burned more than I would have by just sitting there.
Standing leg raises
calf raises
pulsing sumo squats
single leg squats
bicep curls using the kid as weight
anterior leg raises
toe tap/oblique crunch
arch butt raises with leg extended
tricep extension w/ baked bean can for weight
dead lifts w/ laundry detergent for weight
push ups
basic crunches
shoulder raises w/ fabric softener bottle for weight
back kicks
oblique crunches (on knee and elbow)
Russian twists w/ spaghetti sauce jar for weight
leg swings
step ups
tricep dips
abdominal leg raises
inner thigh raises
lateral shoulder raises w/ fabric softener bottle for weight
oblique twists in plank position
superman raises
bicycle crunches
jump squats
rear leg extensions
toe taps in plank
side bends w/ heavy detergent for weight
chair squats

I didn't try to log this activity, but I know the afternoon didn't go to waste.


  • woopidydoo
    woopidydoo Posts: 79 Member
    bicep curls using the kid as weight - I like that lol
  • Maystar80
    Maystar80 Posts: 85 Member
    bicep curls using the kid as weight - I like that lol

    haha, that would work.
  • Maystar80
    Maystar80 Posts: 85 Member
    that's awesome. good idea and way better than nothing. how old is the little boy? maybe you could play tag with him or something too.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I'd be careful suggesting to SAHMs what exercises they should do..I'm not one..but I know of many who get in quite a workout just chasing the kids around the house..
  • cellokitty91
    cellokitty91 Posts: 127 Member
    I thought it was funny! And definitely productive :)
  • ByrdMessy
    ByrdMessy Posts: 94
    I use a two-year-old to do sort of leg presses with him in "airplane" position, but he just loooooves to wiggle too much sometimes. He's also good for "The Noble Duke of York"--I dunno if you've ever been to Gymboree, but that's good for your core. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVok_KHcDtw&feature=related When I march them "all the way upside-down" I lie all the way back and up again. I watch a four-year-old and sometimes we race each other down the street (he gets a head-start). And sometimes I take a one-year-old and her brother who's three on loooong walks. Tonight I was sitting past bed time so I did some push ups; that's a really impressive amount you did though!

    At an old sitting job of mine, they had a Wii, and I did Just Dance. (Nap time's the best) They also had a great two mile block to walk around with a jogging stroller and horses along the way.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Very creative. And yes, just because you're at work dont mean you cant get any workout at work. At most jobs theres usually some sort of downtime and you can get multiple workouts in without breaking a sweat
  • RandomMiranda
    I use a two-year-old to do sort of leg presses with him in "airplane" position, but he just loooooves to wiggle too much sometimes. He's also good for "The Noble Duke of York"--I dunno if you've ever been to Gymboree, but that's good for your core. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVok_KHcDtw&feature=related When I march them "all the way upside-down" I lie all the way back and up again. I watch a four-year-old and sometimes we race each other down the street (he gets a head-start). And sometimes I take a one-year-old and her brother who's three on loooong walks. Tonight I was sitting past bed time so I did some push ups; that's a really impressive amount you did though!

    I do Duke of York and airplane with some other girls I watch. They request it all the time. This particular boy doesn't like it. He is autistic and prefers not to interact with me all that much, except when I make him fly (bicep curls).
  • RandomMiranda
    that's awesome. good idea and way better than nothing. how old is the little boy? maybe you could play tag with him or something too.

    This little boy is 4, but doesn't interact much because he has autism. I play with him as much as he shows interest and desire, and otherwise let him do his own thing. Other kids I babysit there is much more tag, chasing, sports, etc. It just happens that this particular kid isn't an inherently active babysitting gig.