Does MFP count calories burnt in strength training?

Doing the 30DS and I'm not sure what to log the exercises as... Level 2 is definitely more vigorous so I want to try to input it manually rather than general circuit training, and since the workouts involve a lot of dumbells I'm loggin some in the strength section. But does MFP count the calories burnt in strength training?? It doesn't seem to show

p.s. is there anyone who knows how to make your own exercise database, so that I can put '30 DS' rather than tediously choosing all the exercises. takes a lot of clicking! :p


  • SlinkyPinkyBunsOfSteel
    If you go to the cardio database, strength training is in there. It burns less cals than circuit training so you'd be better off just logging it as circuit training. There is also an option to add a new excersise to the database.
    (I'm doing 30DS as well, day 8 level 1!) Even if level 2 burns more cals than level 1, I'd just keep it the same so as not to end up over calculating my calorie burns. :)