is it wrong to hate a certain race?



    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    I hate 5k races personally. They are so short, and the people so fast that I feel inadequate. I enjoy the 10k races as they are a little shorter than my average training run. The races I really look forward to are the Half Marathons. Its an endurance thing, and sure the winners are easily twice as fast as me, but I know that only those who really love distance running are even bothering to be there, so there is a great sense of camaraderie. To each there own! :)
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    I'm only interested in doing races with man-made obstacles. Non-obstacles races are lesser races in my eyes and should have their own separate, not equal, status.

    This makes you a racist. No race is superior to another race. I should report your *kitten*

    lol :)
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    This hatred spews out of my blood in effervescence whenever I contemplate about enduring a race more than 10km.
    I prefer the 100m.
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    I'm only interested in doing races with man-made obstacles. Non-obstacles races are lesser races in my eyes and should have their own separate, not equal, status.

    I really want to try one of these someday, but until my upper body strength surpasses that of a roadkill squirrel I'm going to stick to sucking at long distance instead ;)
  • Mommyofseven
    I would like to just be able to run. (The process of trying to get away from someone who is chasing you with a knife doesn't count I am told!)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I would like to just be able to run. (The process of trying to get away from someone who is chasing you with a knife doesn't count I am told!)

    When I run at night, I pretend Im a jewel thief and run through Chinatown in all black and I wear dark sunglasses and red lipstick. Sometimes pretending assassins are chasing you helps you run faster.
  • Mommyofseven
    I would like to just be able to run. (The process of trying to get away from someone who is chasing you with a knife doesn't count I am told!)

    When I run at night, I pretend Im a jewel thief and run through Chinatown in all black and I wear dark sunglasses and red lipstick. Sometimes pretending assassins are chasing you helps you run faster.
    That was freaking hilarious!
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    I hate Drow Elves!

    Cheeky *kitten*!!!!

    Jarlaxle rocks, though.

    <<< Actually re-reading the Dark Elf Trilogy as we speak. Drizzt is a damn sap. He is such an emo :laugh: Jarlaxle has the right idea.
  • hennyben
    hennyben Posts: 317
    I'm only interested in doing races with man-made obstacles. Non-obstacles races are lesser races in my eyes and should have their own separate, not equal, status.

    This makes you a racist. No race is superior to another race. I should report your *kitten*

    He said 'in my eyes' - totally acceptable.

    I'm going to have to disagree with you here: in his eyes means its his opinion so in his opinion non-obstacle races are lesser races. This, therefore, makes him a racist. Yeah, I'm just gonna report him to um, the people I report things to
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I hate Drow Elves!

    Cheeky *kitten*!!!!

    Jarlaxle rocks, though.

    I have a crush on Drizzt (does that make me wierd?)
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Wow... I thought we were going down a very different road here.

    Seriously, do what works for you. I tried to get into 1/2 marathons because I have friends who are distance runners and my body and mind both hated me for it. I just don't like running that far and my body doesn't put up with it.

    Every time I did a half marathon (5x), I'd get to about 8.5 miles and think "am I done yet?? Why the hell did I decide to do this in the first place?". So now I do 5 and 10 K at the most.

    I also ended up battling IT Band pain for a year because I never trained well enough prior to the races (because I hated it) and I ended up giving myself an overuse injury because I wasn't really conditioned.

    I do love endurance bike riding and I can go hours on my bike but I just can't run forever like that.

    Do what suit you and you and your body will be happier for it!

    Have fun! Jen
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    I would like to just be able to run. (The process of trying to get away from someone who is chasing you with a knife doesn't count I am told!)

    You could always pretend it is the zombie apocalypse! ;) One of the most eerie runs I ever did was an early morning run this winter (while it was still dark out), while listening to the audiobook "World War Z". Trees never looked so spooky! :)
  • hutchy100
    hutchy100 Posts: 103 Member
    How is this racist he is doing a road race why do people jump on ppl if it does not sound 100% correct
  • candyrayne215
    candyrayne215 Posts: 49 Member
    LMAO i thought this was going some place else......
  • Mommyofseven
    I would like to just be able to run. (The process of trying to get away from someone who is chasing you with a knife doesn't count I am told!)

    You could always pretend it is the zombie apocalypse! ;) One of the most eerie runs I ever did was an early morning run this winter (while it was still dark out), while listening to the audiobook "World War Z". Trees never looked so spooky! :)
    That might work! I most definately don't like zombies!
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    As much as I love it nice and long, I have to admit I didn't get faster until I allowed a few 5Ks into my world. Still, the ecstasy of a run doesn't happen for me until at least 5 miles in.

    Size matters, I'm afraid.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I hate all races equally. I personally just like competing with myself.
    It is a huge downer to be passed by geriatrics with oxygen tanks.
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    Nope. I absolutely depise the Peachtree Road Race.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Love Indy 500. Love it love it. Used to watch with my dad. Best traditional and history.

    I HATE all of NASCAR and am distrustful of anyone with a favorite NASCAR driver. This has served me well. When I've ignored it is when I've made the most epic and costly mistakes of my life.

    I'm ok with this.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I would love to be able to run a damned 5k without dying... I have a goal for one by the end of the summer.

    You can so do that! In fact, if you set off doing C25k now, you'd be running 10k by the end of the summer. Go do it, if you want to!