Hi all :)

Hi everyone. I joined mfp ages ago but never actually got round to using the site! I have been going to ww but feel the need for a change. Ive currently lost 21lb and have another 32 to go.
I am a 33 yr old SAHM with 4 beautiful children.
I am determined that 2012 will be the last year I ever diet !!!!
Would love to chat to some of you x


  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    Hi and welcome

    good to see you have a goal in mind, with the help and support from MFP members you will be able to acheive your goals
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Hi and welcome! You've made great progress so far... hopefully this will help you along to meet your goals!

    One suggestion... make 2011 the last year that you dieted. Make 2012 the year your changed your life for good. It really does seem to be about finding balance and making lifestyle changes. After all... we all know that diet is a four letter word. Most of us have negative connotations with the whole concept. It'll be easier to wrap your mind around the changes you need to make if you're starting from a positive place!

    May seem like semantics, but I think it makes a difference! This has to be sustainable for the long haul... not just a temporary diet.

    Good luck reaching your goals! All the best,
  • ladybird3
    Thanks both.
    Great advice about the whole 2011 and 2012 thing. I honestly dont look at it like a diet more like a healthy eating plan. If ww did anything it made me change my whole way of eating!!!!
    Am looking forward to being healthier and happier x
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Thanks both.
    Great advice about the whole 2011 and 2012 thing. I honestly dont look at it like a diet more like a healthy eating plan. If ww did anything it made me change my whole way of eating!!!!
    Am looking forward to being healthier and happier x
    Great philosophy!!
  • kazhowe
    kazhowe Posts: 340 Member
    Hi and welcome on our journey for life! My philosophy is that for the rest of my life I want to be healthy most of all - and slimmer too. Hope you enjoy your journey :happy: Feel free to add me as friend if you would like.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me. 34 year old mom of two, one being 5 months old. We have similar weightloss goals I see. I am very dedicated to changing my lifestyle so that I can be a better role model for my girls. I log daily and keep my diary open for accountability. Best of luck with your journey!