Hey All, New Here :)

Hello Everyone !!!

My name is Chris, 31 yrs old. Im new to the community as well as using the Myfitnesspal.com app. But have been using it for a little over a week and it is truely awsome.

A little about myself: I am a proud father of a 1 1/2 yr old and his name is Caleb. I am married, and just bought a new house here in Perris, CA. I go to LA Fitness Here in Moreno Valley. I Have been weight lifting since 94 while i was in High School. I weighed 140 lbs
and was skinny as a rail. I started doing a competetion way back when EAS Sports Supplements was doing a contest in 1995. I placed 15th out of a lot of people. I have a fairly knowledge of bodybuilding and how to lift properly as well as some nutrition facts, etc. I am here to help those who need inspire and to be inspired :) I am glade to be here and Greet everyone in advance .

I am currently on a Cutting Phase- I was 225 lbs. and am now down to 205 (current)
