Which would you recommend purely for weight loss

I never considered doing crossfit, but just found out yesterday a new crossfit gym opened up in my town. I'd do it on my own, but could use the instruction for a few months (along with the motivation). I started at 210, but am down to 199 by adjusting my diet, lifting 2-3 days a week, playing hockey 1-3 days a week.

My goal is to get down to around 165-170. I'm going to stick to playing hockey 1-3 days a week, but may try to do crossfit 3-4 days a week

Monday-crossfit or hockey
saturday-crossfit gym closed

For the goal of losing weight do you think crossfit would be a better way to go instead of weight lifting?

I think when I get down to a weight I'm good at I'd do starting strength and put some muscle on.
