Best way to do 10lbs in two months?

First kind...:)

I have gotten down to my last ten pounds that I want to take off. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions. I had no problems before, but these are the most stubborn 10 pounds I have ever seen. I religiously track my food and eat about 1500 calories a day, give or take 1 or 200 either way. I work out five days a week. Should I add a supplement? Not sure what to do at this point. Any & all suggestions appreciated. Thanks!!!


  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Most common advice I've seen in the various thread for people like you who are close to goal is to set MFP weight loss goal to 0.5lb per week--i.e., eat more, not less. Sounds crazy but has worked for a lot of people!