Totally Messed Up!

Okay, so like the past 2 weeks I have been stuck at the same weight. Been doing cardio for at least 45 minutes 7 days a week, doing resistance training 5 days a week and really been watching what I have been eating. Sticking to small meals throughout the day, but really have been making sure that I don't go over my total cals for the day. In fact, most days I will beat it by 500 cals. So I'm thinking, yeah, got to lose weight. Nope, haven't. So I am like WTF? Then I start to read some of the other posts about eating more to lose more. This is not computing. Still more reading of posts. Come to find out, I am starving myself! WTF!! I'm a fat white dude that's starving? Not computing upstairs in the ol' brain factory! So, need some advice good people of MFP. Do I continue with the level of exercise or taper off? How much should I eat, in other words do I shoot for the total calories that MFP says I should eat by the end of the day? I just don't want to get to the point of frustration like so many times before.
