Has anyone just surrendered a day to a binge?



  • vara123
    vara123 Posts: 60 Member
    I am with the others - 100 calories over is not a binge! I don't know how everyone else approaches this but I try to look at things on a weekly level - going over now and again doesn't hurt, provided my overall week looks fairly decent. I've stopped with the emotional eating myself these days (various life changes have contributed to an overall much improved mental well-being, which have weirdly helped changed my relationship with food), but now and again I just want to hog out anyway - there are far too many tasty foods out there! On days where I want to blow the calorie budget I just work out longer/harder. Again, I am not sure if this is what others do - or if it's what your 'supposed' to do - but it's really worked for me. After a healthy breakfast and lunch, and an hour on the cross-trainer going full pelt, I've 'earned' enough calories back for pretty much the dinner of my dreams (complete with a couple of handfuls of kettle chips and a few glasses of wine while we're cooking).

    I think if you deny yourself things, you'll just end up craving them more - much better to let yourself have your 'treats' now and again, just work out that little bit more and keep in mind the amount of effort you need to put in to 'earn' those extra calories - soon puts you off binges if you think that big bowl of ben and jerry's is an hour on the treadmill! Good luck with it, and don't be too hard on yourself :-)
  • misslaney
    misslaney Posts: 25 Member
    YES! Sometimes you just have to give in. Not every day, obviously, but even if you've had a great week, sometimes nothing will hit the spot like a massive cheesy pepperoni pizza or a donut. Or both, with Doritos.

    We're so strict with ourselves that the odd day off isn't going to adversely affect us too much. We need treats, but most of all, sometimes we just need to stuff our faces - let's not pretend this isn't true.
  • KevinNichols
    Every once in a while I just say what the heck and eat what I want, I go over big time but usually get it under control after that. It is ok to indulge once in a while
  • Evelynandchris
    Evelynandchris Posts: 140 Member
    I was on vacation this week and went crazy! but, I haven't cheated since January and it was a long overdue reward. I will be back at it today. Sad part was the fact that my Easter dress would hardly fit today :( I probably have gained like 15-20 # in a week. Out was an awesome week though ;)
  • aliric
    aliric Posts: 69
    I agree with Misslaney , Sometimes ya just gotta do it. My day was Friday and I so enjoyed it.. Family, fun and food...Now, back on track. NBD...
  • Emv79
    Emv79 Posts: 245 Member
    I don't binge per say, but when I go out to a restaurant with friends/family, I eat what I feel like and enjoy every minute of it. I won't overeat (quantity), but I won't stop myself from getting the meal I wish to have, whatever the fat or calories. Now in my case, going out to a restaurant happens only about once per month. When I'm at home, I don't surrender to binges and although difficult, I've managed to do the same thing when I'm in hotels traveling for work.
  • CollisionofNova
    Thanks everyone.

    I'm only considering this a "binge" because I'm not going to be meeting my nutritional requirements for the day.

    But I plan on having a whole Five Guys cajun fries...to MYSELF. I might spend another 100 calories on ketchup.