Healthier raviolis

miniberger Posts: 70 Member
Ok folks, this is a lot of work, but totally worth it. Lots of fiber. I made these because my husband's family has homemade raviolis on easter. This recipe makes a LOT- 8-10 servings at least. I'm not putting instructions for the creation- same as other raviolis.


3 cups unbleached all purpose flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
4 eggs
(water/ extra flour as necessary for desired texture- the dough should be THICK)


1 cup ricotta
1 cup dried beans cooked (they should be over cooked)
italian seasoning
portobella mushrooms (1 cup?)
1 egg
1/4-1/2 cup of parmesan
(puree in food processor)



  • tdmcmains
    tdmcmains Posts: 227 Member
    That sounds pretty good. What kind of beans did you use? I think I would totally throw in some spinach (I am a fan of secret spinach).
    But seriously, hun, you need a pasta roller.
  • miniberger
    miniberger Posts: 70 Member
    You aren't kidding. My pasta rolling muscles are still killing me. I used navy beans, but I think any white bean would work.
  • miniberger
    miniberger Posts: 70 Member
    oops- 6 eggs, not 4.