Question about spray oil

AshBear Posts: 63
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
So I like to use spray oil when I'm trying to lightly stir fry vegetables because there are 0 calories and 0 fat. But I was wondering that if you use multiple sprays do you actually get calories and fat?? It just doesn't make sense not to since it's actually oil. IDK maybe you guys can help me with this


  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    FDA has guidelines for what can be labeled as "0" calories. Those spray oils are "0" calories for I think a 1 second spray. That doesn't mean that there are no calories, it means that the calories for that small amount don't amount to enough to count. However, those sprays are still oil and they do actually have calories. If you spray for 30 seconds then you've added calories to the pan. I don't remember the actual numbers. But, let's say that you're using an olive oil spray. If you've sprayed enough into the pan that you are using a teaspoon of oil, then you've probably added about 50 calories.

    I use the spray if I doing something simple like frying an egg but if I'm doing a vegetable stir fry I prefer to use olive oil or some other oil that adds flavor and healthy fat.

    Hope this helps.

    Oh, by the way. some of those sprays are actually oil and others are completely artificial. If that's important to you, check the labels.
  • AshBear
    AshBear Posts: 63
    okay thanks for explaining it! I was actually researching this topic and found that if something has less than 0.5 fat or 0.5 calories it can be labeled as having 0 per the serving size on my olive oil pam is 1/3 of a second...which is pretty much if I sprayed for 2 seconds that's already 3g of fat!!!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I like using liquid oil because I can measure it out easier. I can't comprehend how to get a 1/3 of a second spray! Bionic finger?
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Yes, once I figured that out, I stopped using the sprays for most things and just use regular olive oil or canola oil. At least it's a natural and healthy fat and I can control it better. Like I said, I'll still use it for frying eggs in a non-stick pan....but that's about the only time.
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