Guilt after eating.

I never have thought I had an issue with eating (particularly binging) but I was sent to see a therapist who specializes in eating disorders and I have come to find after exploring my habits that gradually, almost insidiously, I have over the years indulged in binge eating to cover some emotional issues. I am working on fixing this. With that being said, I feel extremely guilty today for over-indulging in brunch and chocolate candy from my daughter's easter basket. I have been doing so well exercising and eating within my calorie range. I feel so guilty for one slip up. I feel guilty for not exercising today because my body is so sore. So I read a pamphlet from NEDA (national eating disorders) that I got from my doctor's office. It almost explained my actions to a 't" , basing my self-worth on the number on the scale, thinking of myself as only a number, weighing myself daily, skipping meals (though most I skip are unintentional). I don't know. I guess I am feeling really guilty today for messing up and hoping that someone out there understands how I feel. Have you struggled with an eating disorder? What has helped you cope?


  • PeggyWoodson
    PeggyWoodson Posts: 337 Member
    I've struggled with it all my life. I know when and where mine started but have no clue how to fix it. Wish I had some answers.
    I understand completely where y ou are coming from with the guilt over eating. The only thing you can do at this point is get right back on the program. Don't wait for tomorrow, Start back right now. You can count today as your splurge day but try not to do that too often. It does slow your weight loss down. I understand what you are saying. Best of luck and keep at it. This program will help you more than you know.
  • teimo
    teimo Posts: 44
    I've never had an eating disorder, but I have watched my sister struggle with one :(
    I dont thing my relationship with food is healthy by any stretch of the imagination... I over eat, crave the wrong foods then punish myself for eating them by eating more.
    Either that or I obsess about each mouthful and feel guilty for even eating a banana and need to work out every day.

    Neither is good & I have just realised this after reading your thread so thank you!
  • teimo
    teimo Posts: 44
    p.s. some wise person on here said that we are our own worst enemys as we beat ourselves up for eating something bad and then compound the guilt by eating more. If we stopped the 'beating up' phase, we wouldn't reach the point of no return!!
  • traceywaugh
    traceywaugh Posts: 144
    dont have eating disorder as such but yes have binged eat for comfort and know whereyou are coming from feeling guilty. just got to tell yourself ok im human iv errored and get on track as quick as possible put it behind you and dont dwell on it
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    Feeling exactly that way.

    I generally have one day a week where I blow it and go over and either don't have energy to exercise or just don't have the time management to exercise... And I feel awful.

    Objectively , I know it's okay. 6 out of 7 is great. If it happened to one of my friends, I would assure them that it will be fine and tomorrow is a new day. And I do MEAN this, honestly and completely... But when it comes to me, I'm quite unforgiving.

    Best I can say is I totally know how you feel, so don't feel guilty about your guilt ;) and of course... Tomorrow is a new day.

    Edit to add- I'm not diagnosed with any eating disorder (past or present). But I am known to be hard on myself and put myself down. To the point of self destruction! I suppose it's now manifesting itself with food, but on a day to day basis I feel good and happy with my choices. It's just on the bad days I have trouble moving forward.. Good luck to you.
  • jennys11
    jennys11 Posts: 118 Member
    I have felt guilty after over eating before as well. Try not to dwell on it. You have recognized your mistake of binge eating. Don't do it tomorrow and move on. Thinking about it, worrying about it, will only cause more mental harm. Think about it as a bump in the road, and move on. It's okay, we all make mistakes whether it's by over eating, not eating enough, exercising too much, or having an excuse not to exercise. You'll be okay. So what, you ate too much at brunch or had a lot of candy from the Easter basket. You'll exercise tomorrow and get right back on track.
  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 482 Member
    OP, you didn't mess up. You made choices. You ate some candy. No need to condemn yourself. Count the calories and make different choices for your next meal. One day off of exercise isn't going to derail you. We all take days off.

    You didn't do anything wrong. You have no reason to feel bad. You control your feelings and your emotions. Choose to accept the decision to eat a little harmless candy. Choose to make different choices in the future.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    On and off eating disorders since the age of 13 when I decided to go on a diet because a school friend was. Only she stopped when she was down a bit, and I just carried on and on. I think my issues go back to being sexually abused as a child, at a point where I had puppy fat and my father had warned me I would end up like him (overweight). I don't know if I actually was overweight as a kid, but by 13 I had shot up to 5'10 and was around 140-150Ibs and saw myself as chunky and large compared to most of the other girls. I was also bullied badly, for various reasons.

    At my worst, I was 70Ibs and lived on half a rice cake per day, purging even liquids I drank for fear of the weight gain, and was on the scales everytime I drank or ate anything. My lips were blue and I would even take boiling hot baths to sweat off the weight. I don't know how I am alive actually. I recovered for a few years, then relapsed just as I was getting somewhere in theatre, and became addicted to laxatives. Ended up with kidney failure and my heart failing.

    I recovered mostly again when I met my ex partner, and went back up to 150Ibs, eating as I wished and not really exercising. But I was always aware of my size and food, and would still withold it if I got upset emotionally.

    After a few years of being reasonably okay, apart from a phase of over exercising and living on fish, rice, vegetables and rice cakes, and not even checking my weight, I am back in a place I dont want to be really... checking weight daily, struggling to find a balance, feeling bad if I miss a day of my cycling unless I have eaten a lot less, binge eating, purging. All triggered by a new relationship basically. I don't stave myself anymore though and try and make sure I eat a balanced meal. If I can find a way to allow myself to accept my body at a slightly higher weight, and to simply eat clean, then I might be okay but for now, I am still stuck fighting this wretched obsession with the number as a means of coping with other things in my life. And I am fairly sure it means that no one here will take me seriously on any questions I ask or answers I give, because in the end, I am trying to find a healthy way, to maintain what is possibly an unhealthy weight for my build. :(
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    One day won't reverse all your progress.

    Sure feels that way, doesn't it?
  • silkandsugar
    If you feel guilty after eating then wouldnt you just learn from that and not do it again? Funny how the human mind works.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I used to literally curse myself for eating bad. Not just binging, but after eating bad. However, an MFP friend told me that instead of using up all that energy for beating myself up, I should use that energy to motivate myself for whats next and planning and ya know what, I'm doing alot better since I changed my attitude about these things. I hope you find some peace also where you can come to terms with food
  • ChihakuZeal
    If you feel guilty about eating, try having a light jog or walk after you finish. You'll burn off some of the food and you won't feel as bad ^_^
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    If you feel guilty after eating then wouldnt you just learn from that and not do it again? Funny how the human mind works.

    THIS! I know how good I feel when I eat correctly (mind and body are happy) so only ONE bad day since I started and never again. It just isn't worth it. (to me).
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    I count myself fortunate to not have an eating disorder. I have known a few people who do and see how difficult it is. I do emotionally eat on occasion… mostly I'm a stress eater. I just crave, crave, crave food when I'm stressed, particularly at work.

    However, I do know that hate and guilt take a lot of energy to maintain... energy that could be focused on more productive, positive activities. If you can focus on letting it go, on looking forward instead of backward, I think that's a first step. You can't move on if you can't let go.

    There will be bad days. We ALL have them. Holidays are particularly hard. So, if you know a holiday is coming up, give yourself permission to be "imperfect" that day. Tell yourself you can have, say 3 cookies, but not 6… or whatever. Compromise with yourself. It's sort of a win-win that way. Then get back on the wagon the next day.

    Do your best today… do better tomorrow.

    I wish I had more rock solid "how to" advice for you. I hope someone out there does. Whatever you do, though, don't stop trying… and learn to let the guilt go. If you feel guilty, maybe do something that makes you feel positive… clean out a closet and donate clothes you don't wear anymore. Do some small positive thing… some accomplishment.

    Believe in yourself. And, keep coming back here for support. We will be here.