Who else uses their Wii as their own home gym ?



  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Love my Wii!! I have EA Active 2, Wii Fit Plus, Just Dance 3 (not sure I like that for some reason) but want to get Zumba 2....Heard a whole lot of good stuff about that!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    I used the wii alot in the beginning but havent used it in awhile, maybe i will start using it again I have wii fit plus, the biggest loser, and wii sports
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    My Wii won't read disks! I have to send it in for repair.

    I used to do WiiFit a lot, especially the step while I was watching TV. Once it's fixed, I think I should get back into the routine. I'm interested in the Zumba; how similar is it to the real thing?
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I love EA Sports Active. The 30 day challenge is named aptly. :)

    I'd really love to get a Zumba game, but I fear I just don't have the coordination for it. Or the space in my apartment. :/

    I have NO coordination at all, so don't worry about that, you can still easily do it :)
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I have a home gym, my step dad did it all up for me but I just don't use any of the equipment as I find it boring lol. Recently I've started using my wii for my workouts, especially on my really bad depression days, my little brother plays on it more than anyone else so most of the games are mario games lol, but I like the wii sports resort game. I loved playing basketball as a kid lol, I'm waiting for my zumba 2 to arrive, should be tomorrow or wednesday excited and nervous lol.
    I'm not trying to lose, I'm trying to gain but tone up.
    Is zumba 2 good at all? Have you noticed any changes in your body?
  • mandamommy3
    mandamommy3 Posts: 297 Member
    I love my Wii! I use Active 2 and Wii Fit Plus. I have used them both for the past 3 months and have lost 25lbs so far.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I have:
    EA Active Sports
    Wii Sports
    Wii Sports Resort
    Wii Fit Plus
    Just Dance 2

    This along with walking around my subdivision and some running is how I have lost all of my weight. So I agree with the previous poster that the Wii is definitely a beneficial weight loss/exercise tool.
  • LittleLolita
    I use my wii, I do Sports, Sports Resort and Just Dance 2 & 3. Works up a pretty good sweat!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I use it as my scales. I don't exercise with it as often as I should. I think I'll do a jog today! I have Just Dance 1 and 2, Wii Fit Plus, Sports and Sports Resort.
    i love my wii- i use Gold Gym cardio(my favorite), EA Active 2, Sports Resort, and Just Dance 3
  • PlumeriaToo
    PlumeriaToo Posts: 188 Member
    A wii group would be a great help to me, I think. Looks like I need some dance games though.
  • stevenc78
    I have a Wii but I use Kinect for Xbox 360. I like it over the Wii since I dont need to hold on to a controller as the Kinect tracks your movements with a couple of cameras. I use EA Active Sports 2 with my XBox Kinect. EA Active 2 is the only thing I use to exercise. Though its not perfect I am pretty happy with it. I get good workouts I feel. They can really kick my butt :) Another nice thing about this game on Kinect is that it gives you a cheapo heart rate monitor that syncs with the game to help calculate calories and tell you to get moving if you're half assing it.
  • boelyn
    boelyn Posts: 90 Member
    I do, I've started swimming as well, but the Wii is still my go to for my workouts.....I'd join a group with challenges ...... let me know if you start one x
  • shibainugal
    shibainugal Posts: 46 Member
    I need to start using my Wii more for games. Right now I mostly just watch Netflix on it.
  • unsivilized6
    unsivilized6 Posts: 52 Member
    I use Wii Fit but after reading through this think I'm going to add Zumba and Wii Fit Plus to my collection. Wii Fit has been my main source of exercise since I began on my weight loss journey in mid-January.
  • jodieoh
    jodieoh Posts: 18 Member
    I've started cycling and hiking recently, but I do still use my Wii when the weather's rubbish :-) I love EA Active 2 with the heart rate monitor. I do 40 minutes (including warm up and cool down) of Step aerobics using EA Active 2 and a step I got off amazon. That burns around 350 calories and has done wonders for my leg strength and my balance. I also like Zumba - I never get the moves right but flinging myself around the living room like an uncoordinated idiot still makes me sweat as much anyway!
  • clairyfairy247
    clairyfairy247 Posts: 425 Member
    Absolutely! I love love my Wii - I have Wii Fit Plus and Zumba. I've heard some good things about MyFitnessCoach!

    It would be great to start a group for Wii users as I love mine and would be really interested to hear what my other MFP pals use?
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    I've been debating on getting Zumba for my Wii, do you really burn calories w/ it? And would you say it's worth it?
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    I have Wii Fit, Wii Fit plus, Wii Jillian Michaels' Fitness Ultimatum...I also do Leslie Sansone Walk Diet
  • AimeeLynn90
    I use my Wii on occasion. I have a glider I work out on at home and a gym membership. I use the Wii Fit to weigh myself but really when I use the Wii it's to play Zumba 2. I love it!