A question for all you BINGE eaters

I am a binge eater it occurs around once a week where I'll just let go and eat anything.
In my head I'm thinking since I've started I may as well keep going
And that I'll eat less the next day.. It's all the same everytime.

Frustrating.. And I don't know the cause, it's been occurring from the start of high school and maybe even primary school
And I'm 20 now!

My questions is
What is your reason, or cause of binging ?
How often does it occur?
How many calories over are you?

Thanks, em xx


  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    Reason: Cravings, boredom, or depression
    How often: Usually 1-2 times per week, but I haven't binged in 2 weeks.. I hope I'm finally making progress :c
    I usually end up eating ~4000 calories on a binge, which is 2500 over my maintenance.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    What is your reason, or cause of binging ? Depression, boredom, anxiety.
    Root cause : my mum being a narcissist and never being good enough no matter how hard I try.
    Because my mum has told me for so long i don't deserve happiness that i have started to believe her.

    How often does it occur? 3-4 times a week :/ has not happened for about 2 weeks though

    How many calories over are you?
    Depends really.
  • I'm exactly the same and I properly started about when I was about 12 I was thinking why do I do it too I don't know there must be a reason !? Ill eat and eat and eat thinking I've eaten this much so what's the point in stopping then after I feel so bad so get into bed thinking why did I just do that ! x
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Desire. I want to please and satisfy my taste buds. Mood and how I think might have something to do with it as well. The wrong thoughts like "I've had a hard day, I deserve a chocolate or something yummy to eat". Or defiance. "I don't want a chicken salad, I feel like a mcDonalds!"
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    Two weeks in I was doing great. I had a stressful thing happen to me and became depressed and aggitated. It started with easter ham but then it went to the chocolate which i really didn't crave til I got these feelings. I gave in and ate .my mood lifted after that. I still logged every sinful bite and found after I had added my little bit of exercise, cooking and light house work, plus having my mood lifted, played frisby with my dogs counter acted the negative I had created. I am gonna brush off my boots and start a new day tomorrow, put this behind me.
  • 0lightasair
    0lightasair Posts: 42 Member
    Desire. I want to please and satisfy my taste buds. Mood and how I think might have something to do with it as well. The wrong thoughts like "I've had a hard day, I deserve a chocolate or something yummy to eat". Or defiance. "I don't want a chicken salad, I feel like a mcDonalds!"


    Sometimes to control my desire and defiance, I go too far in putting off my "reward" foods (or on occasion feel I don't deserve one). This putting off will lead to binging.

    I don't have a tendency to binge frequently anymore because running has showed me how hard it is to burn off those frivolous calories. I equate all my pleasure foods to minutes of running and reevaluate whether I still want to eat them. This does backfire sometimes, which is why I occasionally binge. Like today. D:
  • mischa_12
    mischa_12 Posts: 126 Member
    1. What is your reason, or cause of binging ?

    I think my binging is brought on by stress and sometimes when I'm bored. I have this unbelievable craving for anything sweet (mostly chocolate) and once I start I can't stop, I get such a high from it while I'm doing it and then after I feel deeply depressed.

    2. How often does it occur?

    It's starting to occur 2 - 3 times a week

    3. How many calories over are you?

    ALOT. I wouldn't be able to give you a figure but I guess if I had to it would be 4000 calories or more.
  • Everytime I binge eat its because I am stressed over something...I almost think every emotion I eat..Happy,Sad,Nervous..I always think to myself I might as well keep going until all the food is gone when I start..It sucks and am not sure what triggers it but I do understand what your going thru..good luck!!
  • mischa_12
    mischa_12 Posts: 126 Member
    Everytime I binge eat its because I am stressed over something...I almost think every emotion I eat..Happy,Sad,Nervous..I always think to myself I might as well keep going until all the food is gone when I start..It sucks and am not sure what triggers it but I do understand what your going thru..good luck!!

    yesss i do that too, it's like i HAVE to keep eating until it's all gone.
  • miko12
    miko12 Posts: 1
    i binge only on fridays, but sometime i balance it out by eating less that night. boardum, a lot of idile time or stress or depression may cause some binging. think about what you do in the course of the day and what you eat. may be you want to change what you eat or osme activities you do during a day. and if you dont engaged in any or not too much activites than maybe you want to do so. walking helps. especially if you drive often. take a break and do some walking
  • harrietlg
    harrietlg Posts: 239
    it started from a very young age, was probably 7. I discovered food majorly after starting work in a supermarket, i then just picked up habits from friends, I thought it was ok to eat a whole tin of pringles in 10 minutes.... I then started uni and thats when the issues started. I rewarded myself with food and I ate when I was stressed out. I gained 3 stone....
    I don't lead a stressful life anymore so i don't feel the need to do it so much. I've gone from 4 days a week to once a month now and when I do I don't enjoy it at all like i used to which is good!
    You can get over it but there will be times when you want to do it, I just let myself because I know my self control is a lot better and I can control it a little more!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    What is your reason, or cause of binging ? - boredom, depression, loneliness, staying up too late, not enough hobbies/activities to make me happy in other ways, love of sweet things, tiredness.
    How often does it occur? Currently, 3-4 times a week, and I purge.
    How many calories over are you?
    - Usually go over by about 3000 - 4000.
  • midoswife
    midoswife Posts: 35 Member
  • ahh me too. we should be friends so we can support each other, lol.

    What is your reason, or cause of binging?

    mainly because my emotions are all over the place, and i'm disliking myself or something, so i figure, i'll just binge and hate myself even more. sometimes i'll tell myself i'll just have one of this or that and then i have 10 and i spiral out of control into the fridge. but its mainly because i'm upset about something, normally, and i think food will make me feel better (it NEVER does.. why do i do it?!?).

    How often does it occur?

    at least once a week, sometimes twice.

    How many calories over are you?

    at least 3000. if i drive through chik fil a or mcdonalds and get a milkshake and fries, i'm waaaay over that.
  • purpleface
    purpleface Posts: 21 Member
    It occurs once every two weeks I guess. I think the reason for me is that I love food. I love the taste of it & once I've had a taste of something I love, I just can't stop. I'll stop when there is none of it left! I used to probably go over around 1000-2000 cals but lately I've only done it so that I go over by about 100-200. I just love food!
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 388 Member
    My binge eating seems to occur in the evening.. I get a ridiculously intense craving for something sweet or carbs and look out... once I start I can't stop. I have found eating alot of fruit helps and exercising seems to help too.
  • DebinAZ
    DebinAZ Posts: 30
    I have been trying really hard to figure this out. I tried this - every time I felt like eating something, I asked myself if I was hungry. 99% of the time I was NOT hungry so talked myself down off the cliff. I felt pretty good for about a week. It motivated me.

    Then I stopped asking myself, or i would ask myself, then say "no, I'm not hungry", then go on a binge anyway. I've been binging now for about 10 days. Fast food, ice cream, chips, candy bars. It's crazy.

    I don't understand why I'm doing this. If I'm not hungry, then why do I want to eat? Why is there such a strong craving for junk food when I know that I'm not hungry at all?
  • What is your reason, or cause of binging ?
    Don't even know. It's emotional, I guess. Or my mouth just likes to move.
    How often does it occur?
    Every single damn day since the past 9-10 months.
    How many calories over are you?
    Goal is 1200, I eat about 4000-5000.
  • bugaboo2503
    bugaboo2503 Posts: 9 Member
    I think alot of people do it out of emotions and just being tired. I like food ALOT as many other do also. I like the taste, I like the feeling of being full to I guess, but never knowing when the Ok I am FULL, an the stop eating mark is. I try not to binge as much by not eating after 7pm and if I am a lil hungry have fruit or a vegie or leave myself enough extra calories I will eat a bowl of bran flakes which is filling. If my kids are in bed I will just go to bed anymore because that's when the urges start for me! :yawn: