I might be confused or drunk

DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
but isnt it zombie day? original zombie day? the og zombie. now is it easter or resurrection day? Ive been yelled at so many times today for NOT saying happy resurrection day,is their a war on "resurrection" day as well? a conspiracy to call it easter..........
im drunk, did i metion i was drunk? those who dont already ignore me happy clicling the ignore thingy:laugh:


  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    I love you.
  • 13519485
    13519485 Posts: 264
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    I think you are right.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I love it when you are drunk.Have a nice zombie Jesus day
  • jwalker30
    jwalker30 Posts: 282
    I guess technically you are right
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    What does eggs and bunnies have to do with the reserection anyways?
  • usedasbrandnew
    usedasbrandnew Posts: 300 Member
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    The original Easter bunny was probably associated with the Pagan equinox festival that predated Easter. The Saxons devoted the month of April to celebrating their goddess of spring and fertility, who was, not coincidentally, named Eastre. Eastre's sacred animal was the hare - not surprising since the rabbit is one of the most common symbols of fertility and rebirth.

    The colored eggs carried by today's Easter bunnies have another, even more ancient origin. Eggs have long been associated with fertility and springtime festivals - for so long, in fact, that the precise roots of the association are unknown. Ancient Romans and Greeks utilized eggs in festivals celebrating resurrected gods. The egg also featured prominently in the Jewish rituals of Passover - and still today the roasted egg has prominence on the seder table as an essential symbol of springtime and rebirth.

    lol answered my own question.....ok wait why do are so may holidays that have to do with jesus all tangled up with the much older pagan religions?
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    lol. love the pic!
  • 13519485
    13519485 Posts: 264
    ok wait why do are so may holidays that have to do with jesus all tangled up with the much older pagan religions?

    It was a way for the Church to say, "nuh uh, it's mine!" over and over and over again until enough time had passed that everyone just believed what they said. They stole traditions, characters, and stories from many other belief systems, religions and faiths in order to diminish the importance of them and to keep the Church in a position of power and superiority. They did an amazing job, really. They tortured and killed whomever stood in their way and now they're basically allowed to do or say whatever they wish. I am mainly referring to the Catholic faith here, but the same applies to all sects of Christianity as a collective. They're "evil".
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I think i am just tired of being yelled at. I am an athiest,but I want everyone to have a Happy whatever holiday they are celebrating. I have never been yelled at by so many diffrent people for saying happy easter (christmas is a whole nother story) seriously im just saying happy holidays for everything from christmas to arbor day and people can get thier panties in a bunch all they want
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    ok wait why do are so may holidays that have to do with jesus all tangled up with the much older pagan religions?

    It was a way for the Church to say, "nuh uh, it's mine!" over and over and over again until enough time had passed that everyone just believed what they said. They stole traditions, characters, and stories from many other belief systems, religions and faiths in order to diminish the importance of them and to keep the Church in a position of power and superiority. They did an amazing job, really. They tortured and killed whomever stood in their way and now they're basically allowed to do or say whatever they wish. I am mainly referring to the Catholic faith here, but the same applies to all sects of Christianity as a collective. They're "evil".
    A little exaggeration there, but pretty much. It was Christianity's way of converting others. By adopting all these Pagan holidays as their own, they could more easily convince the pagans to convert. The problems started when the pagans just added the Christian God and rituals to their own group, after all, they had aplenty of gods already, what was one more? Christians didn't like that much, so that's when they started the killing and such.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    This has lead me to question if Jesus was the first instance of a reanimated corpse in literature/popular folklore.

    I know "Zombie" is a Haitian term but there's got to be an instance of Zomming pre-year zero anno domini. Right?

    Anyone know?
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    I think i am just tired of being yelled at. I am an athiest,but I want everyone to have a Happy whatever holiday they are celebrating. I have never been yelled at by so many diffrent people for saying happy easter (christmas is a whole nother story) seriously im just saying happy holidays for everything from christmas to arbor day and people can get thier panties in a bunch all they want

    And happy whatever to you too! :bigsmile:
  • 13519485
    13519485 Posts: 264
    This has lead me to question if Jesus was the first instance of a reanimated corpse in literature/popular folklore.

    I know "Zombie" is a Haitian term but there's got to be an instance of Zomming pre-year zero anno domini. Right?

    Anyone know?

    I am not certain of it, but I think that the Epic of Gilgamesh (c. 1000 BCE?) might qualify. It's something to look into anyway. :P
  • There is nothing wrong with Christianity, or Catholicism. Yes, back in the Middle Ages, there were atrocities, but usually you find that with other faiths as well who border on the radical side of their practice (today's radical Muslims?). I say Happy EASTER. I don't get into the whole "Ressurection vs. Easter" debate. I respect atheism, Judaism, whatever. You practice your way, I'll believe in what I want to believe in. But please don't criticize other's belief systems. That's called being judgmental.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    I can accept (and appreciate factual histories on the origins) pagan symbols coopted by early practicers of my faith. I see it as early PR. We do the same thing now when so many churches have rock bands instead of hymnals (sacrilige!! Not really).

    What I can't abide is my Christian brothers and sisters straight making **** up about how these things really symbolize Christian concepts.

    The ressurection is a big deal and God's Grace is a super important concept. Quit conflating it with other stuff. Celebrate spring, sure. Do it today, fine. But really Zombie Jesus is a better symbol for Easter than Peter Cottontail.
    ok wait why do are so may holidays that have to do with jesus all tangled up with the much older pagan religions?

    It was a way for the Church to say, "nuh uh, it's mine!" over and over and over again until enough time had passed that everyone just believed what they said. They stole traditions, characters, and stories from many other belief systems, religions and faiths in order to diminish the importance of them and to keep the Church in a position of power and superiority. They did an amazing job, really. They tortured and killed whomever stood in their way and now they're basically allowed to do or say whatever they wish. I am mainly referring to the Catholic faith here, but the same applies to all sects of Christianity as a collective. They're "evil".
  • 13519485
    13519485 Posts: 264
    That's called being judgmental.

    No, it's called being sceptical and rational. :tongue:

    Something as powerful as the Church deserves to be questioned and to have its history scrutinised. After all, history often repeats itself. The main churches are power-hungry and though their most atrocious acts may rest well in the past there are modern atrocities that are worth mentioning. The main one that I can think of, obviously, is the incredibly deceitful way the Catholic church has handled all of the molestation and abuse accusations. The Pope seems quite eager to sweep it under a rug and to hope the people give up or forget. Another atrocity, again from the Catholic church, is the opposition to condom use, especially in underdeveloped and HIV-infested countries. I could keep going. :wink:
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    There is nothing wrong with Christianity, or Catholicism.

    Really. You can't think of ONE thing?

  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    This has lead me to question if Jesus was the first instance of a reanimated corpse in literature/popular folklore.

    I know "Zombie" is a Haitian term but there's got to be an instance of Zomming pre-year zero anno domini. Right?

    Anyone know?
    No there are many instances of people being worshiped for being born from a virgin, resurrecting...etc.
    Krishna is the best example I can think of.