Looking 4 PPL close my weight (236 pd)

Hi I Am New Here And I am Looking For Someone Close
To Weight And Goals To Push Each Other,But I am more then Welcome To People who Just Wanna Help:)


Nelly Martinez
AGE:22 Yrs Old

Weight Loss Milestone


  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    Try to search through the forums for "twins" or you may get more results with a thread titled as "Searching for my twin" There are lots of people that are willing to motivate, encourage, and challenge. I am not close to your stats but if you would like you can add me. Good luck finding people.
  • I'm *sorta* close to your weight. :smile:

    Age: 27

    Height: 5'2"

    Starting Weight: 269

    Current weight: 242

    We have similar goals, as well...

    1st goal: 200 (Just because it's a nice number to shoot for.)

    2nd goal: 169 (100 pounds down)

    3rd goal: 150 (I think I could be comfortable here.)

    Ultimate Goal: 135 (I haven't been this weight since highschool. It might not be possible for me as a healthy adult, but it would be nice.)
  • FromFat2Fab
    FromFat2Fab Posts: 101
    Thank you For the Help..Adding <3
  • FromFat2Fab
    FromFat2Fab Posts: 101
    I'm *sorta* close to your weight. :smile:

    Age: 27

    Height: 5'2"

    Starting Weight: 269

    Current weight: 242

    We have similar goals, as well...

    1st goal: 200 (Just because it's a nice number to shoot for.)

    2nd goal: 169 (100 pounds down)

    3rd goal: 150 (I think I could be comfortable here.)

    Ultimate Goal: 135 (I haven't been this weight since highschool. It might not be possible for me as a healthy adult, but it would be nice.)

    we are very close
    i was 135 also in high school but when i turn 17 to 18 is when i started gaining weight like crazy
  • I'm pretty close to your weight. my starting weight was at 246lbs and currently at 231lbs. I have very similar goals so feel free to add me.
  • Age: 22
    Height: 5' 2"
    Starting Weight: 275
    Current Weight: 233
    First Goal: 175
  • FromFat2Fab
    FromFat2Fab Posts: 101
    I'm pretty close to your weight. my starting weight was at 246lbs and currently at 231lbs. I have very similar goals so feel free to add me.

    Nice To Meet you Bob My Starting weight was 247
  • FromFat2Fab
    FromFat2Fab Posts: 101
    Age: 22
    Height: 5' 2"
    Starting Weight: 275
    Current Weight: 233
    First Goal: 175

    Congratulation on losing 43 Pounds!
  • Age: 22
    Height: 5' 2"
    Starting Weight: 275
    Current Weight: 233
    First Goal: 175

    Congratulation on losing 43 Pounds!
    Thank you! :smile:
  • FromFat2Fab
    FromFat2Fab Posts: 101
    What is Everyone Calories Goal set on here ?
  • mills101
    mills101 Posts: 58
    I'm close started off 263 ish pounds. 24 years old, goal weight around 220.

  • we are very close
    i was 135 also in high school but when i turn 17 to 18 is when i started gaining weight like crazy

    I graduated at 17... Then I got pregnant (at 17) and had my daughter at 18. Because of that, I have *no* idea if I would have started gaining anyway as a adult. That's why I'm not sure where I should be at the end of this. I figure that 150 is a great goal to shoot for. I'll just have to see how I look and feel once I get there.
  • What is Everyone Calories Goal set on here ?

    I currently have mine set to 2000. Sometimes I'm over, sometimes I'm under... And I usually eat my exercise calories back. (Though I haven't been exercising much recently.) I've only been at 2000 for a couple of weeks, though. Before that I was sticking to the MFP recommendations for losing 1 pound a week, which gave me somewhere between 1700-1800 calories a day. I lost more than a pound a week, though, so I was thinking that maybe my BMR was higher than they estimated. I want to lose weight, and of course I'd like to lose it fast... But I know that I need to try to take it slow so that my skin has time to recover, and also so that my metabolism doesn't tank. So right now I'm just playing around with the calories. I'm experimenting to see how high I can go and still lose weight. I've been at this since January, and I've already lost way more weight than I was expecting. So I'm really okay with taking a few weeks to see what the right calorie level for me is.

    How about you?
  • FromFat2Fab
    FromFat2Fab Posts: 101
    My say Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,560 Calories / Day
  • springseternal
    springseternal Posts: 245 Member
    I'm close. I'm around 5' 3" and weigh at around 240.
  • millercn3
    millercn3 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I'm 31 and around your weight too add me !