Mud run?

JesiDM Posts: 268 Member
Has anyone done a mud run? I was looking it up and thought that it sounded like something I wanted to do. I plan on researching it and then training for it!! So I was wondering if anyone who has done had any tips for me? Was it fun? Was it a killer? lol What do you suggest I do to help with my training?


  • JesiDM
    JesiDM Posts: 268 Member
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    You mean like a Dirty Dash? I'm looking at that! The online university I am studying through has a team I'm thinking about joining...

    Sounds like INCREDIBLE fun!!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i am doing my first in may.
    i have a friend who does them and she gave me these tips.

    to duct tape your shoes so they wont fall off in the mud. like wrap duct tape around the sole and top of foot.
    and to not wear cotton as it will stick to you. she said most have places to de-mud, but some may just have water hoses.
    wear old shoes of course.

    good luck, i'm nervous about mine..i've run 5ks before, but this is my first mud run. i cant wait.
  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    I'm doing one in June. Soooo excited! But I have to try to find some creative ways to train for it.
  • JesiDM
    JesiDM Posts: 268 Member
    Thanks! I'm probably gonna do it next year because I'm just starting out but I wanna incorporate this training into my daily workouts! This is def something I wanna do.. The more I read and look at the pictures the more I wanna do it!! lol
  • LadyConundra
    LadyConundra Posts: 37 Member
    I'm working for the Spartan beast race in June and then the MS mud run in July (Utah). So excited to do both. Don't wait until next year, do it this year, no time like the present . Look up the MS mud run in your area, it is not as intense as some of them can be, and most are still 3 months away plenty of time to prepare. Plus it is for a great cause. You will love it :)
    Thanks for the info about taping the shoes never would of thought about that.
  • Gabmaz
    Gabmaz Posts: 2 Member
    I've been to one to support my friends. They did the Warrior Dash. It was alot of fun for them. I'll be doing one with them this summer. I can't wait! Some of these extreme 5k's are a little less hard core then others, like this one. It was totally doable. The focus is more on having fun. Don't get me wrong the obstacles will be a challenge. The other 'warriors' are not competitive though, they'll cheer you on. It's fun and you'll feel great afterwards.
  • KateJo84
    KateJo84 Posts: 25
    I ran in the Warriors Dash a few weeks ago here in Hawaii. It was a blast. Of course right before our time slot it started to downpour and the host said that we would probably have the worst times. He was right! I don't really know how you would train for this other than running outside and perhaps on a trail. The obstacles were pretty easy and they say that you can go around if you feel uncomfortable about any of them. Due to the rain I can't even remember how many times I fell down - one time I purposely side down a hill! We ended the race crawling through a mud pit - once we were finished we turned in our chip for a free beer! Be aware though, it is a real drunk fest - I recommend getting an earlier slot!
  • jms3533
    jms3533 Posts: 316 Member
    I had never heard of mud runs until I read this posting. I looked up mud runs in Florida, where I live and there is an interesting one planned in October. It might have to be one of my goals to get fit enough to enter!
  • MelsieK
    MelsieK Posts: 72
    I'm doing Tough Mudder in September of this year. Can't wait. My PT did it last weekend, now we're going to the one in September together.
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    Tough guy is where its at
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member

    Right, I would just like to say, you are all freaking mad!!! hehehehe Good on yas! :flowerforyou:
  • JesiDM
    JesiDM Posts: 268 Member
    Thanks for the advice!! :)
  • mottles
    mottles Posts: 12 Member
    I'm doing Mud, Sweat and Tears in June, tape your shoes on with duct tape, most people wear costumes - we ran wearing Hawaiian shirts, moustaches and bouncing sunflower headbands, our time was appalling but I have never laughed so much in my life! Other teams were dressed as ladybirds, ballerinas, wine bottles and vegetables amongst others