Sugar Cravings

I imagine the cause of my sugar craving is watching everyone around me devour oversized chocolate bunnies, but I have a terrible sugar craving. I've already had two bananas today, and I had 16 oz of raw almonds, but I want something sweet.

What causes sugar cravings, and what is a good substitute for the craving??

I ran about 4.14 miles around 9pm, and I ate a banana and a bit of peanut butter after my cool off. I've been ridiculously hungry since.



  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    Dopamine release is the likely cause. Also, just eat chocolate but figure out the calories and macronutrients and fit them in to it. No need for unnecessary restriction. Restriction leads to constant cravings. Constant cravings will eventually lead to a binge. Be smart and eat some. I have chocolate almost every single day.
  • lucysanchez916
    lucysanchez916 Posts: 8 Member
    I have the same problem and just decided today to start eating a Fiber One bar instead of cookies, cake or candy. I find these bar delicious and very sweet, they have 10g of sugar which makes them count as an actual cookie, but at least they have 9g of fiber too. I can fit them in my calories budget as my daily treat since they are only 140cal. I know moderation is the key to eating what you like, but I tried so many times to moderate my intake of those foods and failed everytime, so I will try replacing those bad sweets with something better.:wink::wink: