what am i doing wrong? can you please help me...

Hey there, can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong.? Well it been a little over a week and haven't been able to lose any weight. I see my friend loosing 3-5lbs a week and me nothing..and I'm kinda getting discourage...I'm eating right, drinking plenty of water, eating more proteing and evening snacking when I'm hungry...for instance a fiber one 90calorie chew bar...I excercise daily burning 400- 1000 calories a day and always under my calorie goal...I haven't touched one candy or cakes or anything that's I'm not suppose too...I do drink a diet coke (only) once in a while which helps me with any headache I'm having...I don't know else I'm suppose to do to see the weight come off...can you please help me....


  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I think firstly you'll have to open your diary. Hopefully it's proper healthy food and no junk. Also check your portions and the exercise calculations on here overestimate so don't rely on them.

    Finally a week isn't really very long, surely you didn't pack on the pounds that quick so it'll take a bit longer to work them off.
  • sarasalinas2011
    Thanks...the protions that I eat are small. And yeah I saw how some excercises over calculate the calories burned,but with those I go buy what I see on the machine that make u enter ur weight, time, level and not mfp...I haven't gained weight which is a good thing for me ,but I do notice my jeans a little less tight from the waist ...
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    1 week isn't long enough to tell anything, as your body weight will fluctuate by several lbs over the course of the day or the week. You need to think long term. I don't need to see your diary. As long as you eat at a deficit (and you are honest with your logging) and have no medical conditions you should lose weight.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    So you said you're eating small portions. Does that mean it's unhealthy stuff? It's your choice what you eat but if it's just crappy high carb stuff and you're just eating smaller portions then I don't know how successful you could be long term.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    >>>>>IMPORTANT!!! To get your numbers right please visit---> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/538381-in-place-of-a-road-map <---read the instructions. I lay everything out to help you have a true fat burning diet.<<<<<<<
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    >>>>>IMPORTANT!!! To get your numbers right please visit---> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/538381-in-place-of-a-road-map <---read the instructions. I lay everything out to help you have a true fat burning diet.<<<<<<<
    ^ Definitely read this thread, it has very good advice.

    Honestly, as frustrating as it is, a week is nothing in the grand scheme of things. If you've just started doing all that exercise, then your muscles will be retaining water, which will be hiding any fat loss on the scales. Your jeans feel less tight, so that's great! The numbers on the scales will catch up, don't worry.

    What's your calorie goal? Remember, it's supposed to be a minimum goal to hit, not to always try to be under. Are you eating enough to fuel all that exercise you're doing? By the way, unless you're extremely obese, 3-5 lbs a week is a VERY aggressive weight loss goal and not realistic for most people. Has your friend just started dieting too? It's quite normal to lose that much at first, but I doubt she will sustain that loss for very long. Try not to worry too much about how much she is losing anyway, just focus on your goals.

    It sounds like you've made a lot of good changes, so just be patient and keep at it!