Quick question



  • Sjvarley123
    Sjvarley123 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi I always used to want snacks whilst watching tv. I now keep my nail varnish in a drawer by the sofa. If i feel a craving come on i paint my nails :laugh:

    I can't then do anything til the varnish dries, and by then all cravings have passed. Also - have a glass of water, as we often mistake thirst for hunger!!
  • I have found a way that works for me. I drink one cup of Yogi Blueberry Tea for breakfast, (you will want to eat something light when you first start this because it could lead to a stomach ache) it suppresses the appetite for a few hours so you aren't hungry, then for lunch I drink a Tazo or Lipton Green Tea, any flavor works, with something light to eat if you are really hunger (at first it takes some time to get used to the tea helping), around dinner I drink another green tea, also try incorporating some health drinks into your diet. I drink tons of water, it doesn't taste good, but we aren't in this for the flavor I hope. Between the water and teas I don't eat much anymore and get full faster. May not work for everyone, but for me it helps a lot.