Stopped smoking

Hi, I recently stopped smoking with the help guessed it...Chantix and one of my concerns was of course, weight gain. Is anyone else here for this reason and if so, could we be friends and support each other?



  • Hi there, I have been an ex-smoker for nearly 3 weeks now. I did give up smoking for 2 years but managed to put on 1st 7lbs. Started smoking a year ago and did lose the weight I gained but I have put on a stone over the last few months and after giving up smoking again I am desperate to keep the weight off and lose the stone I have gained so have decided to go on a diet, attack the gym with vigour and try to take my mind off the cigarettes as well as find something else to do with my hands that doesn't involve shovelling food in to my mouth.

    Hope giving up the cigaretted is going well for you. Are you managing to keep the weight off?
  • dinovino_59
    dinovino_59 Posts: 1,700
    I quit back in 2000 for five years and gained 20lbs...s.tarted again in 2006 and lost 30lbs but never forgave myself for lighting up again. Now I am trying to quit again and have come to this site to help manage the weight...too early to really gauge results but I do like the whole idea!

    Best of luck to you also!
  • Thanks, lets hope the dieting whilst quitting the cigarettes works for us both!