Hello..new here :)

Hi my names Teresa , i joined here about a week ago but wasnt brave enough to post anything.A friend told me about it:).I am a happily married mum of 4 , all the kids have special needs, so gets really busy sometimes.I have quit smoking nearly 3 weeks ago and need to do something about my weight .. I was 290lbs when i joined and have lost my first 3lb , my husband has also joined the site and so has my eldest son, looking to makes new friends and support on my weight loss journey to be a slimmer and healthier mum and wife.

Teresa x


  • wendydelong
    wendydelong Posts: 33 Member
    Im new as well Just learning the site ....I am a mother to 2 ...1 son who is 18 and and 1 daughter who is 23 Ive been married for 21 yrs .....Im 42 ready to lose weight I started out at 271.5 only been dieting 1 week .....Im ready to lose weight now that my kids are raised Im ready to live and go do things and have fun with the hubby. My name is wendy you can add me

    ***Personal information removed by moderator** Please use private messages to share that sort of information. Be safe!
  • myf1101
    myf1101 Posts: 99
    I've been on here for 6 weeks now and am still learning. I am a 46 year old mother of 2, a son aged 20 and a daughter aged 17. I am on a weight loss journey which I prefer to call healthy eating rather than diet, simply bacause if I think I am on a diet I immediately feel restricted. Loving the site and love talking to new friends. I have sent you a friend request so feel free to add me.
  • Grimlock69
    Grimlock69 Posts: 197
    Welcome! Are you ready to get busy?
  • My name is Treva, I've been a member for awhile but haven't done much with it until this week. I'm not sure how to post to these threads (never really been apart of message boards or social net working type forums). I'm 33 yrs married w/ 2 children. my husband and I are trying to change our life styles so that we can teach our children now how to be healthy and eat right before they have to fight this up hill battle. Working 12hr night shifts 3-4 nights a week is making it difficult. any ideas...
  • 3audkids
    3audkids Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome, this is a great site for motivation, add me if you like!!
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    Welcome! Nice to hear you are sharing in all the successes~great to have a loved one on board... Best wishes to both of you :smile:
  • sammywil
    sammywil Posts: 104
    Welcome! Are you ready to get busy?

    ""Love it""

    Welcome - If you are looking for a healthy fun & supportive way to get fit & lose weight then you certainly came to the right place!

    Good luck with your goals & start putting down that ps3 & get busy! Add me if you like, im here everyday & can be a great motivator :)
  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 127 Member
    HI!! New again. Started back last week..... I am a mom of 2 .... a 20 yr old son and a 17 yr old daughter.....
    I was doing great on here until last October when I found out I had breast cancer. I just stopped logging in and i didn't have energy or anything soooooooooooooo.... now I am done with chemo, radiation and most meds so I am back on the wagon ....
    I have signed up sor several 5K races, some 10K races and a half marathon.
    would like friends, laughter and encouragement, and offer the same to anyone wanting to be friends!!

  • Hi, I'm Beth. I like the idea of NO Diet. It is life change. I am 45. Mother of 4 Grown Girls. Last one is 20. In College. I have lost 70 lbs. in the past year and I'd like to loose this last 20 lbs but I recently was caring for my father who died in the middle of March. So I was off track for a while. I'm glad to find some new friends to help me on my way. Hope you will be one. Add me to your friend list
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Welcome! Add me if you'd like:bigsmile:
  • Hi there, I'm lost.....
  • Jen2Bfit
    Jen2Bfit Posts: 125 Member
    Welcome! Glad you are here. This is a great site to meet people who share the same goals and will help support you in them. Feel free to add me as a friend, the more the merrier on this journey! :happy:
  • shushour
    shushour Posts: 16 Member
    I love having new friends, I like to motivate and like having someone to motivate me! So add me as a friend if you'd like too!
  • rjo921
    rjo921 Posts: 130
    Welcome to the journey! Feel free to friend me if you need support! :happy:
  • mangotruck
    mangotruck Posts: 28 Member
  • hpdoxi
    hpdoxi Posts: 32
    Welcome! You have found a great place to help keep you going. Add me if you like, I am always looking for new friends and motivation :)
  • TeresaJS
    TeresaJS Posts: 4
    Thankyou everyone , i think ive added everyone :) im feeling very positive about being here and staying on track as a non smoker and healthier person as the weight goes :)

  • Hey! We are starting out at about the same spot, feel free to add me as well for some added motivation! Good luck to you! :)
  • :brokenheart: Hi I just joined and been on every deit they have came out with I just donot lose. I startted really gaining a:brokenheart: fter my 30 year old was born and know I m a grandma and Im not loseing.My docter is telling me to lose wait for my heart. I walk every morring, but it is not helpping. I started b12 today because I am depresed also.:brokenheart: :brokenheart: