
So I've just got in from clothes shopping and thought you're the only bunch of people I can share this story with! I was trying on a jumper and I'm a UK size 14 but have always had a small waist (it's about a UK 6-8 at the moment). I tried on a medium but it was very baggy on my waist so I popped my head around the changing room door and said to the girl that worked there 'I picked up a medium but could you get me a...' and even before I'd finished she said 'la...' and I carried on and said 'a small or an extra small'.

It wasn't her fault, I'm sure she feels bad but it really hurt my feelings. I'm not even that big (my BMI is about 27) but people really see me as a large?!

Anyway, going to turn it into a positive and use it as motivation but it's still knocked me a little bit!



  • Wreak_Havoc
    Wreak_Havoc Posts: 597
    It's sad that most of the people working the changing room always seem to assume we've grabbed something too small? Happens to guys too...
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Yeah, I personally don't think she meant that to you personally Honey! I would imagine it typically means the next size up... I would even bet money on it! You should be SUPER proud that you aren't the norm!
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    the same thing just happened to me. use it to drive yourself... best thing you could do.

    congrats on fitting a small or x-small.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I wouldn't take it to heart! I'm guessing this is the usual result for her, most people don't want to try on a larger size if they don't have to. Now I'm losing weight I'm more likely to take in my current size and the size smaller.
  • zoodalia
    zoodalia Posts: 294
    Thanks lovies... think it was a bit of a downer, especially since I was feel self-conscious anyway! Definitely going to use it as a positive:) xx