June 2009 Goals

So I decided to set some daily/weekly goals for myself for the month of June to help me get back on track. Does anyone else do this? What kinds of things do you challange yourselves to do?

Here are the things that I have come up with:

June 2009 Goals

1. Take vitamin and supplements daily.
2. Go to the gym 4x per week.
3. Do 20 minutes or more of cardio 2x per week outside of the gym. (ie. Walk, swim, wii, etc.)
4. Drink no more than 2 cans of diet soda per week.
5. Cook at least 3x per week.
6. Try one new healthy recipe per week.

I just thought it would be nice to see what kinds of things other people focus on to give me ideas for the coming months.



  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    this is a great idea! I like the idea of short term goals, since I am an instant gratification kinda girl.
    so for June:

    Try and choose a health alternative over junky food, drink at least 3 bottles of water(I am so bad with this)

    Jog at least three times a week....overall I want to build my endurance.

    Lose some extra lbs, build some extra muscle, some extra energy.
  • vanessa915
    vanessa915 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi loathesome!

    I'm with you on the jogging goal too. It's sort of an unofficial goal of mine to add running to my workouts. I've NEVER been a runner before and could barely stand to run for 30 seconds, let alone any significant amount of time. But I started working out in a small group personal training class at the gym back in February. I still avoided the treadmill like the plague though and would only do the elliptical for cardio. But my trainer challenged me to try something different, so just this week I stepped on the treadmill for the first time in months. She challenged me to do a mile in as little time as I could and I was completely shocked to find that I could do it in 16 minutes by alternating walking and jogging every few minutes. I think I only ran 4 out of those 16 minutes, but that's more than I've EVER been able to do. So yesterday at the gym I jogged 5 out of 20 mintues, and tomorrow I'll try for a little more.

    Congrats on the goals! I know you can do it!

  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Hi loathesome!

    I'm with you on the jogging goal too. It's sort of an unofficial goal of mine to add running to my workouts. I've NEVER been a runner before and could barely stand to run for 30 seconds, let alone any significant amount of time. But I started working out in a small group personal training class at the gym back in February. I still avoided the treadmill like the plague though and would only do the elliptical for cardio. But my trainer challenged me to try something different, so just this week I stepped on the treadmill for the first time in months. She challenged me to do a mile in as little time as I could and I was completely shocked to find that I could do it in 16 minutes by alternating walking and jogging every few minutes. I think I only ran 4 out of those 16 minutes, but that's more than I've EVER been able to do. So yesterday at the gym I jogged 5 out of 20 mintues, and tomorrow I'll try for a little more.

    Congrats on the goals! I know you can do it!


    that is so awesome about running for 4 minutes out of the 16! it is really hard, i am with you. some people have just always been running. but if you aren't a runner, like myself, it makes me want to stop and just throw my hands down and yell 'eff this!!' But, I have been learning to go slow, I jog at a slow pace, and it has really helped with my endurance. I can jog for about 15 minutes now! :happy:
  • dladie6209
    Hi loathsome and Vanessa915:

    I have decided to excerise everyday no matter what.

    I have been walking at least 30 minutes a night.

    My daughter started the walking diet and has lost 50 pounds so far

    So she is my motivation, she looks awesome.

    also taking my vitamins and drinking lots of water and I am also

    using the south beach diet tide me over drink mix, they really do


    Have a great day