The Final Meltdown 6.4.09

smadag1 Posts: 1,368
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Good morning ladies

Hope yall had a great day yesterday. I got in a short workout, and had a light diner before going to bed. I am hoping to get in a better workout today. My breakfast choice was not the best but I am exhausted and starving. The only bad part of my day will be when I am this tired I am more hungry all day long. I wil try to make good choices but I was too tired to pack my lunch today.


  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning all! I had another great day yesterday. I'm loving spending this week with my daughter. Today I plan to attend a water aerobics class and do some walking while she is working. Then tonight, we plan to go to a park here and picnic and stroll along the Meramac River. Tomorrow, it is off to see the Gateway Arch and then head home. Anyway her home. I won't return to mine until Sunday. I doubt that I get to check in with you while traveling tomorrow.
    I have been thinking about an exercise challenge. How about 16 days of workouts before the 4th of July? I think that's 4 a week. Anyone have any ideas for something different, or want to join me?

    I recruited a new group member, Christy, yesterday. She's brand new. Check her out on yesterday's thread. I hope she finds us today. Welcome, Christy! We are glad to have you!!

    Everyone have a fantastic Thursday, and let's meet those goals together! Mary
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member

    Mary said I should join the group as I wasnt in one and need the support! Hope that's okay...

    Just wondering...I am putting in my foods in my diary and I think I am being quite good, but it always seems to go over my calorie daily allowance! I dont even think I eat badly, I eat ALOT less than I used to, but still seem to go over :( Its really annoying cause at the end of the day I think I have been really good, and then BOOM its over!

    All I have had today is a small portion of meusli and ss milk, and for lunch some bolognaise sauce (just veg and mince - no pasta)...Is that good??
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am with you on that challange I think so far I am only 2/16
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Christy - What is your daily calorie goal? I found that at first, until I got used to how many calories were actually in things, I did better if I decided the night before or early in the morning what I was going to eat, and logged it ahead, planning in snacks so I didn't get too hungry and blow it. Sometimes I even printed the prelogged page to take with me and remind me what my plan for the day was.
    What you have had so far today sounds fine, but I wonder if you need a healthy snack to keep you on track later in the day.
    Any advice from others? Mary
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    16 before July 4 - when did we start this Monday? If so, I am 3/16 with today counting.

    Christy - welcome!!!! Not so sure about what your eating - what's ss milk and bolognaise sauce - I must live under a rock!! :laugh: :wink:

    One thing I've found to keep my calories in check is at least one serving of fruit/veggie with each meal and some for snacks if I can too...

    How's everyone doing with water - since I stopped soda May 1 - I have been at 8 or more everyday....funny how 1 soda a day knocks that number down....I figure I will have a soda but only when I've had my water for the day - I will not let it interfere with what I am doing.

    Feeling a bit down today - feeling kinda lonely - probably hormones - I work from home all day - by myself then when the kids are home my daughter is usually spending time with her boyfriend and my son out riding his bike or playing a game - going out of town for the weekend to a baseball tourney for my son (he's on a new team that he's only played with twice - so I don't know the other parents) my husband will be in the dugout with him helping coach, my daughter stays back at home with Grandmother, so once again I will be by myself - now don't get me wrong I love my alone time when I am working out but I am just frustrated....I'll get over it! My hubby is great and he's so loving and affectionate I don't want to tell him and hurt his feelings - I know what he'll do - he won't coach and the team needs his help.......OK Enough of my pitty party just had to get it off my chest - I think the reality of it all seems better now since I "opened" up about it. I'll just bring a good book to read in between games and such.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I was starting today on the exercise, but if you want to go back to Monday, that's fine too.

    Water? I am the world's worst at drinking anything, let alone water. I just don't like it. And it's not that I drink soda, haven't had one since I was traveling on Sunday and there are six cans in my cooler right here. I just don't drink much of anything. My daughter and I go round and round about it, but in a loving way! When I started MFP, I tried to use that little water tracker thing to motivate me, but it just annoyed me. The closest I come is decaf green tea, but even then, don't drink much.

    Chrissy, sorry you are lonely, and hope that venting helped. I understand what you are saying though. I would take a book to the games, and since it's the way I am, would also take crocheting or something similar. Hope you have fun and your son's team does well. Congratulating winners is a lot easier than consoling losers. Not that they are really losers, but they don't want to hear that philosophy at the time!

    Everyone have a great day!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I can not seem to get past 6 cups a day no matter how hard I try. I have 1 soda a day just to ward off any headaches that might be coming my way. But no matter what I try I can not hit 8 cups a day, the weekends are even worse I am lucky to get in 4 cups a day.

    Chin up Chrissy I am in a similar boat my hubby works almost 80 hours a week so I only really get to see him on Sundays so I can really understand the lonley part. If we are home at the same time he is usually asleep.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Sounds like water should be mixed in with our exercise challenge - so who's up for water 8 glasses a day - CHEERS!:drinker:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I will take that challange
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Drink lots of water! :-D and keep snacks away from you!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I always knew that someone on here would get my dirty little water secret out of me in this group. I don't think I can jump into 8 a day, but maybe I will try to get it up to that by the end of the challenge, if I can count my decaf green tea?? For the record - I have had one glass of water today. (But only because I needed to take my medicine . . .) Maybe I will try to have another with lunch, but it will be a stretch.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I always knew that someone on here would get my dirty little water secret out of me in this group. I don't think I can jump into 8 a day, but maybe I will try to get it up to that by the end of the challenge, if I can count my decaf green tea?? For the record - I have had one glass of water today. (But only because I needed to take my medicine . . .) Maybe I will try to have another with lunch, but it will be a stretch.

    Since I gave up soda, I count my glass of crystal light - if you need to count the green tea - go for it! I just make sure that I have at least 6 of the glasses as clear pure water....keep working at it you'll get there!
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    Are you guys in the UK or USA??? Im from the Isle of Man in the UK....

    ss milk is semi skimmed milk, bolognaise is like pasta sauce, tomato based.

    Ive not had a very good day...My mum made BBQ for dinner so I had quite abit of meat, some houmous and one white bap....OH NO! :sad:

    Also I am terrible at drinking water! I live on tea or orange juice...I have about 1 glass a day! So I am going to take up that and the exercise challenge!!! I am so lazy, and am taking up swimming with a friend and have joined a walking group with my mum....

    I think I am going to set my personal goal to be loose 5lbs by July. I have not got a very good week coming up, we have the TT festival here this week, which tends to involve quite abit of drinking!! :drinker: I am going to try and be good though...:huh:

    I hope you have all had a good day :tongue:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am in Calera, Alabama USA

    What is the TT festival?
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Larned, Kansas smack dab in the middle of the US
    But this week in St. Louis, Missouri
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