ergumm Posts: 82 Member
Hello! I joined myfitnesspal a few months ago, but that's all I did, was join! I didn't track my food...I didn't check out the community, and I didn't search for friends going through the same thing I am! I have learned that all of those things were mistakes! I thought I could do this on my own, but I was wrong...very wrong!

I am 51 years old and disabled with a husband that loves me like I am and as well meaning as he may be, doesn't support my weight loss journey! My age alone makes it harder to lose the weight and hubby telling me "If you want it, eat it" doesn't help much either! As for the disability, I have degenerative arthritis in my feet, knees and back. I have 3 bulging vertebrae in my neck and I have carpal tunnel. I have had all but one of the metatarsal bones removed from my right foot. The bone was fused together with cadaver bone. I'm not telling you all this to make excuses about why I have trouble losing weight, I'm telling you because these are the obstacles I face, and I would love to hear suggestions to help me overcome these obstacles. I would also like people to add me as a friend, so that I have a much needed support group! One other obstacle I have is the fact that I live 20 miles from any place with a store, let alone a gym! I don't have the money to join a gym or the gas money to drive that far if I did. I have to do this at home!

One suggestion I heard a lot a few years back was getting a pool and exercise in it. Well, I got a little money a few years ago and bought an above ground pool, which is very expensive to handle upkeep lol but that wasn't my main problem at the time. I would walk around and around that pool . My problem was, every time I did this, I couldn't walk for 2 days afterward. My feet were in agonizing pain! I have always heard that exercising is water was less stressful on the body. This is NOT true with my feet!

The tools I have at my disposal are a treadmill (I can't run on it because my toes don't bend on my right foot anymore, but I can walk), an ab lounger 2, and a Weider exercise thingy lol...don't know what to call it! It has the bar that pulls down, the foot holds that lift and the arm bars. I have tried to use this too, and even with no weights on it my knees hurt something awful when I do it and so do my elbows. I don't know if this will pass in time or not. I don't know weather to quit when the pain gets bad or try to push through. Don't know if its my arthritis or my weight!

I joined a challenge listed in community to lose 4% of my body weight in the month of April. I thought that would be motivation enough, but it doesn't appear to be so. I should have lost 2.2 lbs. my first week, and I only lost 1. I still have 3 weeks to go for this challenge though, so I know it's not hopeless.

The reason I decided to ask for friends and for help, is because I signed in this morning to log my breakfast, and found I had a message. Someone had seen my post stating that I only lost 1 pound, and this complete stranger cared enough to send me a message and remind me that -1 is still a loss and to not be discouraged! This meant so much to me! I am not more determined than ever to change my life and lose my weight ( started at 227 lb. .... am 219 now). If one person could make me feel so much better, I thought it would be impossible to fail if I have a whole support system! I want to help people get motivated and feel as inspired as I did when I got this message!

Thank you!!


  • bonniewelch
    bonniewelch Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, your story sounds a little like mine. I started it about a year ago on my smart phone but I did use it for awhile but lost my job and got rid of my phone and just stopped trying. Sounds like you are of to a good start with your weight loss.

    The odd part is I am actually a personal trainer, an over weight trainer!! So if you need any advice let me know. If something is painful do not keep doing it. Walking is the best thing you can do for yourself, if you can only do 10 minutes than just do that 3 times a day, lift some light weight. All you need is a milk jug, fill it with water and you have about a 5lb weight for resistance. Good Luck and I am hoping being back on this website will motivate me to get my weight under control!
  • ergumm
    ergumm Posts: 82 Member
    Thank you Bonnie! I'm glad to know that walking is the best thing for me, since that's about the only thing I can stand to do for any length of time! I am glad you suggested that I walk more than once a day. I am not supposed to be on my feet for more than 10 to 15 minutes at a time, so that helps! Will walking just 10 minutes 3 times a day do as much good as trying to walk 30 minutes once a day? Good luck to you on your journey! You know what it takes, so I'm sure that you will do awesome!!
  • almostfortysix
    Please add me as a friend:) You can do this! I would hate to think of what would happen if I ran (I've had four kids and weigh about 213) any length at all. I read somewhere (probably on here) that we shouldn't be running. At least until we are healthy enough. You don't need to and with your physical condition you should not. ALso if you have health insurance maybe they could refer you to a nutritionist. Keep up your hard work! It will pay off.
  • ergumm
    ergumm Posts: 82 Member
    Thank you Melissa! I'm sending a friend request right now!