Keeping it "REAL" humbly changing ticker to show weight gain



  • heartflood
    heartflood Posts: 18 Member
    Good job. :) I did just the same thing this morning and added back on the pounds that I've gained. I feel like it's going to make me work even harder to get them back off rather than tricking myself into thinking I'm thinner than I really am.
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    you're right! i'll weigh myself after shark week is over and then that'll be the true test. i'm pretty sure i've gained a few. thanks for this!!

    bahhah.. I call mine shark week, too!
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    Last Thursday I weighed in at 224 even. Friday and Saturday were the same way. I don't generally change it unless I get two consistent days of the "same" weight. This weekends pig out session cost me a few pounds, back up to 226.4, but today weighed in at 224 again. I try to keep it real, because you're only doing yourself wrong if you don't. I try to be real honest with food too, but sometimes I'll grab a nibble as I cook, but I don't log it. On the other hand, I don't log the other activities I do such as laundry, cleaning the kitchen, or running the vacuum. I hope it balances out somewhere!!
  • Kerry1023
    Kerry1023 Posts: 152
    Great job in being honest with yourself. I just did the same thing this morning. Monday's weigh in was up 5 lbs from the horrible food choices over the weekend. Gave myself until today and logged the 3 lb gain.

    Can't dwell on the past....we must move forward.

    Thanks for being such an inspiration.
  • knrob
    knrob Posts: 65
    I only record losses, which means I may go weeks trying to maintain my loss. But for the honest part...I was so on track in January, PERFECT diet, eating clean, etc... I opened my diary to my friends. So months later, I have had a few bad weeks, and you are so right! Its a hard thing to swallow, that someone will view what I am actually eating (and drinking). But isnt that sometimes the pattern of how we all got heavier??? Being able to identify those binges, or slips? So, yes. I will keep it honest. For myself. its a journey that I'm loving, especially sharing with my MFP friends.
  • mindysreadyforchange
    mindysreadyforchange Posts: 103 Member
    Yes, this sure seems like bad news, but I'm counting it ALL joy, because I want to keep this thing real. I've been gaining weight since upping my calories from 1200 (which I wasn't coming NEAR eating my net (after work-outs calories) and upped them to
    1456 calories per day and eating ALL or very close to my exercise calories.

    Before doing this, I wasn't losing any weight nor gaining...just staying at 179.9 pounds. I'm now (as of today) 184.4 pounds.

    I've been contemplating keeping my ticker at the 19 pounds I've lost so far, since January 20th, 2012. Prayed about it and feel "Led" to change my ticker to more honestly and accurately show where I at--which is up. This is humbling indeed, but a saint/girl gotta do what a saint/girl gotta do--period.

    So, I'm writing this as a NSV-- because it's taking a certain VICTORY to be honest and real with myself and others as they read my posts.

    I believe being real and honest with God, myself and a big ole (if not all together happy) NSV!!!!

    Thanks for being transparent and honest! It shows your awesome Character...who God made you to be! Now!!! Go get those Calories!!!! Burn Burn Burn!!! Tell them that they are not welcome!
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Good for you for recognizing this is a journey and that fluctuations will happen.

    My best guess is that you weren't losing because you weren't properly fueling your body. So when you start putting the proper fuel in your body still acts as if the food may go away and is holding on to some of it. Don't worry. Once your body realizes it's going to get the fuel it needs it will start acting right (and it's probably water weight too or the need to "eliminate" ahem).

    I was the same way and in the first 6 months I was on here at 1200 I lost 25 lbs but I plateaued for 3 months of that. Then upped my calories and lost another 7 lbs and then only lost 1.2 lbs for Lent. The more research I've done shows me I should be even higher and yesterday went all the way up to 1750!!! And today (not a normal weigh in but wanted to see the damage done by that *gross* amount of food yesterday) and I was DOWN 0.4 lbs. Not statistically significant but not what I expected.

    Give your body time to realize that you will start treating it right and fueling it the right way!!!! Praise God that you are willing to change things up and seek Him for guidance!!
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    I post my weight EVERY Saturday regardless of whether I gain, lose or stay the same. It's the best way to see whether your weightloss is consistent and what factors during the week or month affect your results. If you only post your losses you're not really getting an idea of how well you're losing the weight.
    Aside from all that, if your ticker shows you lost 25 lbs, and you've gained back 8, you may be fooling your profile but your body is always going to be an accurate reflection of what you weigh.
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    People who can't keep it real will ultimately fail. Learning about how your body works based on eating patterns will only make you more effective at understanding weight maintenance in the long run.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    Exactly. Posting your losses AND gains will show you where your good and weak spots are and where you can improve.
  • karendsmith
    karendsmith Posts: 167
    I just did mine..I felt too embarassed when I first signed up to put my real weight ( i know thats a stupid thought) but I went in and updated it to the correct weight from the beginging, only now on my ticker it looks like i gained weight, lol, it will eventually come back down!
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    I move my ticker to show my gains and loses. I gained back the 10 whole pounds i had lost last yr. So im back at square one. But thats ok with me, seeing my ticker motivates me to push harder to get that thing moving back into the right direction!
  • Narisong
    Narisong Posts: 191
    Treat job Keeping it real !!!! I have the same challenge since I upped my calories but I know it's the right thing to do for my body. From everything I've read it's common when upping to gain a few, but as long as you stick with it it comes back off.

    Blessings !
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    OK. I'm busted.

    The first time I gained, I logged it, and the ticker haunted me. I felt like a failure. So the second time I went up, I didn't log it. I am expecting to be up on my weigh-in day this week (Friday), and I had talked myself out of logging it.

    That, friends, is NOT keeping it real.

    I did some hard-core deliberate bingeing last week. It has been really crappy. I set an initial goal for myself to lose 15# (altho I am ambivalent about that - I have a habit of 'waiting until I'm thin/better/etc' to live my life, so why promise myself a reward when I 'get better' instead of loving myself NOW? but that's another thread...) - and my last weigh-in I was 0.8 # from my goal. So mentally that's great. But it didn't help me make good choices over the weekend - I binged and put myself in the hole. I can tell I gained weight because the soreness in my knee is back (extra weight = pressure on joints).

    I thought I would be 'devastated' by having the ticker move backwards when I was so close to 15. But there's something deeper I need to be concerned with - being TRUTHFUL. I have my spent my whole life lying to myself about my food and my body. WHOLE. LIFE. But in truth I can't lie about last weekend. I was off the rails, hurting big time, and running to food when I knew better. Actions have consequences.

    So I'll have a heavy heart when I post that gain Fri - but here's hoping I WILL "count it as joy" (Paul? or James? Bet it was Paul - Paul was the MAN!) that I am willing to be honest with myself even when it hurts. More Paul: "...we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." My marching orders. :smile:


    OP - thanks SO MUCH for posting this and keeping it real.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    OK. I'm busted.

    The first time I gained, I logged it, and the ticker haunted me. I felt like a failure. So the second time I went up, I didn't log it. I am expecting to be up on my weigh-in day this week (Friday), and I had talked myself out of logging it.

    That, friends, is NOT keeping it real.

    I did some hard-core deliberate bingeing last week. It has been really crappy. I set an initial goal for myself to lose 15# (altho I am ambivalent about that - I have a habit of 'waiting until I'm thin/better/etc' to live my life, so why promise myself a reward when I 'get better' instead of loving myself NOW? but that's another thread...) - and my last weigh-in I was 0.8 # from my goal. So mentally that's great. But it didn't help me make good choices over the weekend - I binged and put myself in the hole. I can tell I gained weight because the soreness in my knee is back (extra weight = pressure on joints).

    I thought I would be 'devastated' by having the ticker move backwards when I was so close to 15. But there's something deeper I need to be concerned with - being TRUTHFUL. I have my spent my whole life lying to myself about my food and my body. WHOLE. LIFE. But in truth I can't lie about last weekend. I was off the rails, hurting big time, and running to food when I knew better. Actions have consequences.

    So I'll have a heavy heart when I post that gain Fri - but here's hoping I WILL "count it as joy" (Paul? or James? Bet it was Paul - Paul was the MAN!) that I am willing to be honest with myself even when it hurts. More Paul: "...we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." My marching orders. :smile:


    OP - thanks SO MUCH for posting this and keeping it real.

    Denise ( you know that the Word Selah means "Pause and Meditate Upon This") Girlfriend...I appreciate every single reply on this thread, but your reply/response made tears well up in my eyes as I read it. WOW! Thank you so much for posting this-your words and experience has touched my heart and will I'm sure of it, touch and help untold thousands of other MFPers.

    You Rock:flowerforyou:
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member

    Denise ( you know that the Word Selah means "Pause and Meditate Upon This") Girlfriend...I appreciate every single reply on this thread, but your reply/response made tears well up in my eyes as I read it. WOW! Thank you so much for posting this-your words and experience has touched my heart and will I'm sure of it, touch and help untold thousands of other MFPers.

    You Rock:flowerforyou:

    hey - you started the whole heart-touching thing! :wink: with your decision to be honest! :flowerforyou: I really, really needed to "hear" your post and get real with myself. p.s. yep on the "selah" - i need to do MORE of it so that's why i chose it

    ETA: and it was James who said 'count it as joy,' not Paul (oops!)
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    ... ticker moved from 14# lost to 11# lost but I'm still here! :smile:
  • zoeluiisa
    zoeluiisa Posts: 392
    My ticker automatically updates, whether I've lost OR gained!
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I have decided to weigh in each week and show losses and gains - I need to do this so that I can see an overall trend.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I had to move my ticker UP one...lost a pound yesterday WOOT-WOOT-WOOTTTT!!!

    1 more down...25-40 more to go:love:
  • Laurakc89
    Laurakc89 Posts: 22
    Was so proud to reach my first half stone lost, must have gotten a little over confident with portion sizes or calories burned during workouts. It was a little discouraging to gain and frustrating that it's now going to take longer to reach my ultimate goal, but I suppose I get to achieve the first half stone all over again :laugh:
    This thread made me proud of myself for being honest rather than angry for gaining, a better state of mind surely!
    Here's to a new day :drinker:
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