Upping calories: the awkward stage

I've been working on upping my calories and I think I'm at the awkward stage.

There's a point when my (or anyone's, I guess) calories are so low one doesn't experience low bloody sugar. Now I've upped my intake over the past month and a half, my intake is around 1500-1650 and my net has JUST started going over 1000. I understand the process isn't over yet, and I still need to increase (and I HATE this, it's so difficult right now).

But - this is the awkward phase - I think I now have enough in me to feel low blood sugar. I'm tired, achy, and VERY grumpy. It's a problem now, I really am so moody and it's causing problems.

And it's horrible - when does this pass?! If I start hitting my TDEE and netting at, say, 1200, 1300, or 1400 (my BMR's 1449), does this get better? I'm so tired and I do have problems increasing my calories (I have an ED). I know I have to continue, but is there a light at the tunnel yet? Am I close?

I could really use some reassurance here. I just want to cry. I feel like the Thomas Hardy poem - "Alive enough to have the strength to die" (only, yes, not *quite* so dramatic!).

Does this pass? Has anyone else upped their calories and gone through this stage? Anyone here who is pro-recovery and has some words of wisom? I was doing really well and now I've hit a wall.


  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I sufferered that when I was netting 1200 when I first started MFP. I was dizzy, lightheaded and cranky.
    It stopped once I was netting above my BMR .

    It's horrid , hope it passes for you soon.
  • o_delaisse
    o_delaisse Posts: 193 Member
    Cheers. I know I had my little grump before on my profile but I'm over it - keeping an eye on net today, will try and get it to 1200 (I know it needs to go up more, but baby steps!).
  • second_try
    second_try Posts: 4 Member
    Keep calm and carry on. That's what I always say to myself (eventhough I don't have a history of ED). Stay focussed and don't get distracted by listening to ED; it just wants to keep you from being healthy.
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    It gets better. I had an ED as a teenager and had trouble eating enough and went through the stage when I felt AWFUL (tired and dizzy) all the time. Increasing calorie actually helps, once you get to a normal level. (As an adult, I went the opposite way and gained a bunch of weight - now I've lost the weight in a healthy manner and am trying to get used to maintenance cals). At any rate, with any adjustment it takes a little time, but it will get better, hang in there! If you can't eat a lot, maybe integrate some healthy higher calorie foods. Just keep thinking that you can be happier and healthier and take care of your body! :-)
  • taryn_09
    taryn_09 Posts: 196 Member
    it gets way better just takes time stay consistent though in upping them. i had an ed as well, i was probably consuming maybe 1000 calories but by the time i ran i netted maybe 200? got so use to it that i began to not feel hungry always said oh im full dont need to eat. once my weight dropped though to 99 i knew i had a problem. so i set a goal, consume at least 1200 constantly (it killed me stomach was nauseous since it had shrank) then i moved to just my bmr which is about 1335? i think, then i moved up to 1500, 1700 i started decreasing my exercising ( i was doing 1.5 hours cardio a day everyday) added weights instead (made my hunger start to come back) then i took the jump to trying to consume 2000 (which a lot of us need if active and just maintaining)
    ^that last part was the hardest, and scariest. numbers terrify me. i felt bloated. for a week i ate 2400 calories. gained weight i needed back & now im trying to stay around 2050-2066 per day ( should be my TDEE main. amount) the bloat, nauseous feeling isnt there anymore, and i feel so much better. i have energy, & i look better.

    the awkward part hurts, i was tired, emotional no one got it. & at times i wanted to go back to what i had been doing but you just have to push through it & know that the pain now is for a better purpose later & you're body will be so appreciative !

    just start slow, expand your stomach, if you're absolutely full dont push it, getting sick because your trying to consume more isnt a win either. you'll get there i did :]
  • o_delaisse
    o_delaisse Posts: 193 Member
    Thanks guys. It IS getting better. I netted at around 1200 yesterday - I know a lot of people say that's too low, but still - that's the first time EVER I have netted at something recommended. I do want to go up a little more, but have to say I'm enjoying the fact that, as I say, first time ever when my calorie intake isn't particularly remarkable!
  • ayamagali
    ayamagali Posts: 167 Member
    Wow, netting 1200 is huuuuge! Good job! :) I'm working on getting my calories up too. Sometimes after logging and seeing my net I just want to cry :'( but I try not to stress too much, and I find myself actually feeling hunger more and more, which makes it so much easier :) keep up the good work :)