Okay, this might seem like I'm whining and I probably am but I need help !... I've been at the gym going 3x a week for over a year and granted i have lost 65+ pounds I feel great but its soo hard to sweat and I mean really sweat example i get on the tread doing 15 incline at 3.6 for 45 minutes brisk walking for me since im short and my husband right next to me does 4 incline at 3.5 and he is drenched in sweat i mean forhead dripping in sweat shirt wet by 30 minutes in and me just red in the face and maybe a hit of sweat under the boob area :) why and what can i do to sweat like him i know hes burning more than me and its not fair!


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Uh just because he's sweating more does not mean that he's burning more. Sweat has nothing to do with how much you are burning. Also since he's a male, he's going to naturally burn more then you anyway.

    Some people just don't sweat that much.. and thats ok. Unless you start passing out because your body can't cool it's self off, then you have a problem and need to go see a doctor.
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    Uh just because he's sweating more does not mean that he's burning more. Sweat has nothing to do with how much you are burning. Also since he's a male, he's going to naturally burn more then you anyway.

    Some people just don't sweat that much.. and thats ok. Unless you start passing out because your body can't cool it's self off, then you have a problem and need to go see a doctor.
    ^What she said... Concentrate on burning more calories than you consume and you'll be fine.
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    Sweat does not mean burning more. Is he burning more? Perhaps. Men usually do because they have higher % of muscle but the amount someone sweats isn't an idicator. What you should look at is if you are challenging yourself. Are you holding on? Try doing some quick 1 min bursts of running. Try mixing up the cardio ..zumba, elliptical etc. If you are challenging yourself ...great! Keep doing what you are doing.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Find something more intense to do than walk.

    People who are larger will burn more calories doing the same activity as someone who is smaller. Sweating doesn't mean much but if you're not sweating, especially if you used to, that can be an indicator that you need to do something that requires more energy. You say "it's not fair!" but really it means your body is more efficient than his.

    Start jogging :) If it's not a challenge then you're cheating yourself out of a good workout and wasting your time.
  • hosegirl
    hosegirl Posts: 157
    I am one of those people who do not sweat alot. My husband is like your husband the water pours off him. I talke dto my doctor and she don't worry about it as long as your heart rate is up and you are burning the caolories you are good to go.
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    To me, the quickest and most obvious answer is that you're in better shape than he is! So challenge yourself more. :)

    And yes, sweat is meaningless in terms of output of effort. It can be anything from temperature tolerance to hydration. Too many variables, and you're doing nothing but treating yourself unfairly by using that as a measure.
  • MrLeeParker
    As long as you keep hydrated I don't think you have anything to worry about. Some people just don't sweat as much.