Fitbit vs HRM vs Pedometer Watch



  • smadrigal04
    I have had my fitbit since October 2011. I LOOOOVVVVVEEEE it!!!! Any type of exercise gagits are all just estimated....that is something you need to keep in mind. They are not perfectly exact. (If they were that perfect, they would be way to expensive for the average person). They are avaialbe to make you AWARE of what your "estimated" activity level is at. I have purchased an HRM but took it back when I realized I would have to wear a strap around my chest. I have enough around my chest without adding more bulk. I like my fitbit because it is small and it does so much and I feel lost if I forget to take it off the charger. It has become a part of my daily wardrobe. I like how MFP and fitbit link together and gives calculations to each other. I enter all my food info on MFP and if I do any kind of exercise tapes, I just add that exercise. It really isn't a big deal.

    I actually left mine on the charger yesterday! Doh!
  • nannabannana
  • stargazer424
    Thank you all for the responses. I actually got a lot more negative (stopped working, didn't sync) responses than I was expecting. Most of the other threads have little to none of that.

    However, there were more positives than negatives in this thread. And for what she wants to do (get motivated, to walk more) I think the Fitbit is a good solution. She wanted a watch pedometer so she doesn't need another device and can wear it all day, but I haven't seen any good reviews of such a thing.

    I think I'll get her the Fitbit and if she starts wanting more down the road, I'll get her an HRM. And depending on how she like's it, maybe get one for myself! :smile:

    Question for those who have one...How long does the charge last?

    ALSO, Where is the best place to get one? Amazon has it for 90.18 + Free shipping. Any cheaper places out there?
  • 4schrocks
    4schrocks Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you all for the responses. I actually got a lot more negative (stopped working, didn't sync) responses than I was expecting. Most of the other threads have little to none of that.

    However, there were more positives than negatives in this thread. And for what she wants to do (get motivated, to walk more) I think the Fitbit is a good solution. She wanted a watch pedometer so she doesn't need another device and can wear it all day, but I haven't seen any good reviews of such a thing.

    I think I'll get her the Fitbit and if she starts wanting more down the road, I'll get her an HRM. And depending on how she like's it, maybe get one for myself! :smile:

    Question for those who have one...How long does the charge last?

    ALSO, Where is the best place to get one? Amazon has it for 90.18 + Free shipping. Any cheaper places out there?

    Love my Fitbit and the charge last me anywhere from 7-10 days. It has motivated me to do so much. I just reached my goal of 50 flights of stairs a day thanks to the little gadget. Also I've had great great luck with the customer service. I jumped into the pool with mine on and emailed the company and they sent me a new one for FREE, no questions asked. Good luck to your wife!