re bloating stomach!!!!!!!!



  • acg1305
    acg1305 Posts: 224 Member
    Cant see your diary but...

    Evvvvverything bad makes me bloat like crazy lol... bread potatoes alcohol sweets even after dinner I'm bloated. Time of the month can play a big part, even drinking water will make you bloat. I heard drinking luke warm water does not make you bloat as much as cold water.

    If I eat really clean food for a few days I find this subsides, detox teas, salads, lots of water, lean meat... I definitely notice the difference and even my partner does.
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    I found that I was always bloated. My stomach was even hard to the touch. I started with giving up sugar sodas and it helped some, then I only drank diet soda and it helped some. Then I gave up soda and went to suger free splenda tea. That didnt help much. Now I only drink water and the bloat is gone. Sounds crazy but true. I do not drink or eat anything with artifical sweetners in it. I drink on average 130 oz of water a day. I feel so much better than before.
  • AnnieHedgpeth
    AnnieHedgpeth Posts: 3 Member
    It could definitely be diet related, but some people (myself included) just have short torsos, and so there's nowhere for things to go but out. I recently had a tummy tuck (after having three huge babies), and my plastic surgeon told me that I might always have a little protrusion out of my abdomen just because of my height, slightly curved spine, and sunken in rib cage.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I have a problem with yeast in foods and drinks causing terrible bloat. I quit drinking beer and that made a big difference. I really noticed the whole yeast tie in when they would bring in bagels and donuts into the office and when I ate them, I got horrible heart burn.

    Now I eat fairly low carb, which leads to low yeast and I don't have bloating at all anymore.
  • yepitsjen
    yepitsjen Posts: 79 Member
    Maltitol is an artificial sweetener in a lot of protein/diet shakes and bars. That stuff kills me. I have horrible gastro problems when I have that.

    I also have dropped bread, most other grains, dairy and wine and my bloating is not nearly as bad as it had been. It's been about three months and I had cheese the other night. I thought I was going to die. I was so miserable
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    My friends used to call me "Bagel Belly!" :laugh: :sad: :laugh:
    Because I used to eat a lot of bagels and my gut looked like one!

    These are my "Bad Belly Boyz":
    ~wheat ~processed grain products ~dairy ~coffee ~alcohol ~sugar

    You may have some food allergies or intolerances.

    Try eliminating foods from your diet and see how you feel...... esp. PROCESSED FOODS.
    Eat as "CLEAN" as possible: fresh veggies & meats mostly, go easy on fruit, lots of water.
    No soda, coffee or alcohol. :sad: :love: :noway:
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    I actually just went out and bought a diuretic to help me with my extremely bloated belly. For me it's totally salt. I have had two days of high soduim and I gained 7 lbs in two days just because of the sodium Definately not something you are supposed to take on a regular basis, it can be very dangerous but I take them for a few days when my bloat is really bad or I am PMSing..
  • Karalopolous
    I bloat with too much sodium and it is not just my belly, its my face and my hands too.

    That's me^^ I feel like my stomach is blowing up like a balloon!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I would suggest paying close attention to what makes you bloat most, then limiting that in your diet. Many people have problems with gluten, others with red meat, but it could be any number of things. You may have to play around with eliminating or limiting many foods before you find what your problem food(s) is.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Take omega 3 fish oil to help with the depression.
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    This happens to me too!! I've narrowed mine down to lactose, but lately something else is causing it....I'm keeping a food diary so I can keep track of when it happens and what I ate before it happens! :)
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I just read something that there's a correlation between IBS and bloated stomachs. Mine is always huge & I have IBS.

    I also read that coconut oil helps with this issue and though c.o. helps with chronic fatigue for me, I haven't really seen a reduction in belly fat, yet.
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    I recently lowered my carb intake, and have noticed a massive improvement in the bloated appearence/feeling and wind. I could parp for England prior to going 40/30/30
  • tinkerbella01
    I find when I feel bloated I drink hot water with a slice of lemon, it seems to help me feel better. But if it something you are constantly dealing with I would go to the doc to get it checked out.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Same problem here. If I eat low carb it's not as bad. I have lost 17 pounds and not even ONE inch on my waist.

    I've been this way for at least 20 years and have asked different doctors and none of them have an answer. They just ignore the question. I think doctors, in general, have lost interest. People complain about everything these days. If it's not life threatening or something they can give you a pill for, I think doctors could care less.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    This is my experience - At one point I took a bunch of antibiotics and prednezone and after that I had horroble bloating. Although my doctor didn't buy the theory, some natropathic information I got through friends suggested that I had killed off all the healthy bacteria in my intestine and as a result, I ended up with an overgrowth of yeast in my system. The yeast feeds on sugar and carbs and gives off gas which causes bloating. I cut way back on refined sugar and processed carbs and took probiotics (PLAIN yogurt and pills) and that keeps the bloating at bay. An MD probably won't get onboard with this theory, but a natropathic physician will.

    I was so bloated I looked pregnant as well and some people even thought I was! It was awful.

    ^^^This is a huge problem for many people. A good probiotic (3-5 billion CFU per day) will help with that.

    Also, if you are getting a lot soluable fiber in your diet, it may be gas which the probitotic can help with.

    Lots of fiber and not enough water will cause this. Especially (again) soluable fiber. Add in an insoluable fiber to help. (the down and dirty on fiber is in my blog:

    Also, people who are mildly gluten intolerant or mildly lactose sensitive will bloat after eating those things. Try an elimination diet to see if that helps.
  • brownsugah76010
    I am lactose intolerant so I have to be careful what I eat. I have found that eating coconut oil has helped my digestion a great deal. Not so much bloating and regular BMs. It's kinda like eating vaseline but I am willing to do whatever it takes. After the 1st week you don't notice so much. Search the internet so find all the benefits and decide if it's something for you.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Same problem here. If I eat low carb it's not as bad. I have lost 17 pounds and not even ONE inch on my waist.

    I've been this way for at least 20 years and have asked different doctors and none of them have an answer. They just ignore the question. I think doctors, in general, have lost interest. People complain about everything these days. If it's not life threatening or something they can give you a pill for, I think doctors could care less.

    If low carb helps you then I would surmise that you may have a mild gluten intolerance. Try eating gluten free for a few weeks and see if that helps.
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    I haven't read any of the other relplies but I used to have stomach bloating and when I went grain free it went away. It's been 8 weeks and I've lost 8 inches around my waist.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I use apple cider vinegar with mother to get rid of bloat when i eat pasta