Why did I gain???



  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You most likely have no clue what you are doing.

    Wow. Bcuz thats not rude.

    Eating back your exercise calories dont work for everybody.
    Do what works for your body.

    Wow. Bcuz thats incorrect. You are NOT different than anyone else.

    OP- See, here are the problems:

    1. You don't have your diary open. We aren't psychic.
    2. You don't explain what your maintenance is.
    3. You don't tell us how many calories you HAVE been eating.
    4. You don't tell us if you are on any kind of weight training program.

    So when you make a thread with so much little information, we give little information back.

    (See what I did there?)
    Do you really think one formula/way of doing things works for everyone? ....:noway:


    Eat less. Move more. Is the only formula that works for EVERYONE.

    What is "less" enough and what is "more" enough varies from person to person.
  • toque88
    toque88 Posts: 113 Member
    Same thing happened to me. So, I just eat back a portion of my exercise calories. Most likely, I was under estimating my calories - you might be doing that too. :smile:
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    You most likely have no clue what you are doing.

    Wow. Bcuz thats not rude.

    Eating back your exercise calories dont work for everybody.
    Do what works for your body.

    Wow. Bcuz thats incorrect. You are NOT different than anyone else.

    OP- See, here are the problems:

    1. You don't have your diary open. We aren't psychic.
    2. You don't explain what your maintenance is.
    3. You don't tell us how many calories you HAVE been eating.
    4. You don't tell us if you are on any kind of weight training program.

    So when you make a thread with so much little information, we give little information back.

    (See what I did there?)
    Do you really think one formula/way of doing things works for everyone? ....:noway:


  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Lynne could be a number of reasons. Is it close to that TOM or are you retaining water? I wouldn't get to hung up on the number on the scale. If you continue to gain..then perhaps you need to reassess your diet.
    THIS!! So many things can cause the scale to show a gain that isn't necessarily accurate.

    Other factors could be that you're underestimating your calories eaten (or portion sizes), overestimating calories burned, too much sodium/processed foods, muscles are retaining water for repair after workouts...etc. Your diary is private so its impossible for anyone to advise based on what you eat, but if you're eating good and exercising and drinking enough water, you will eventually see results. Hang in there..its a marathon, not a race.
  • lynne172
    lynne172 Posts: 11
    Tks all...I've only been with MFP for 4 weeks and just started eating back my exercise calories in the past week I'm pretty new at this and that will be why I ask dumb questions.

    I'll give my body a chance to readjust and hopefully my ticker will move in another couple of weeks. I do love this program and all the support and help that is on here. Definitely going to get the app for my phone.

    Have a great week everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    You most likely have no clue what you are doing.

    Wow. Bcuz thats not rude.

    Eating back your exercise calories dont work for everybody.
    Do what works for your body.

    Wow. Bcuz thats incorrect. You are NOT different than anyone else.

    OP- See, here are the problems:

    1. You don't have your diary open. We aren't psychic.
    2. You don't explain what your maintenance is.
    3. You don't tell us how many calories you HAVE been eating.
    4. You don't tell us if you are on any kind of weight training program.

    So when you make a thread with so much little information, we give little information back.

    (See what I did there?)
    Do you really think one formula/way of doing things works for everyone? ....:noway:


    Eat less. Move more. Is the only formula that works for EVERYONE.

    What is "less" enough and what is "more" enough varies from person to person.

    SMH. You just proved my point, within a point. The other poster said "Eating back your exercise calories dont work for everbody". And I said "Yes it does, you are no different than anyone else."

    So explain to me what point you are trying to argue lol.
  • vara123
    vara123 Posts: 60 Member
    You most likely have no clue what you are doing.

    Yeah dude, relax completely uncalled for.

    are you using exorcise machines to count your calories, a heart rate monitor, or MFP?

    Depending on which, the amount of calories you think your burning could be wrong. So you could be eating more calories back than just your exorcise calories. Also it does take some time for your body to adjust to a new routine. If you just started give it time.

    Agree with the latter, there is always a discrepancy between what MFP app tells me I should have burned on the x-trainer (elliptical) in an hour and what the machine with heart rate monitor states (MFP app states around 1000 calories for 1hr, where as my gym makes it closer to 700 calories). So, don't over estimate what you are burning off as exercise - or, conversely, under estimate the amounts of things you are eating. I always try and input food generously and be more conservative with inputting exercise - after all, I'd only be kidding myself!
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    You most likely have no clue what you are doing.

    Wow. Bcuz thats not rude.

    Eating back your exercise calories dont work for everybody.
    Do what works for your body.

    Wow. Bcuz thats incorrect. You are NOT different than anyone else.

    OP- See, here are the problems:

    1. You don't have your diary open. We aren't psychic.
    2. You don't explain what your maintenance is.
    3. You don't tell us how many calories you HAVE been eating.
    4. You don't tell us if you are on any kind of weight training program.

    So when you make a thread with so much little information, we give little information back.

    (See what I did there?)
    Do you really think one formula/way of doing things works for everyone? ....:noway:



    Exactly! LOL We have a winner.
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    I started eating back my exercise calories and I gained 2 lbs! What going on?

    Sometimes it takes a while for your body to adjust, sometimes you retain water, etc. How often do you weigh yourself? Try once/wk at the same time, same scale, same clothing, etc. and see if you get more consistent results. I eat back all of my exercise calories and have never had a problem, just make sure you're logging accurately and try to estimate your exercise calories as accurately as possible, too (maybe consider investing in an HRM?) And try drinking more water, if you don't already. Give it a couple weeks, don't get discouraged!
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    You most likely have no clue what you are doing.

    LOL... Seriously.. It's just water weight/increase food in the GI tract (or you really dont know what you're doing)
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Many different reasons could be affecting this but in short it doesn't happen straight away.

    Using a hrm is more accurate than mfp, I've found it to be over on a lot of things but under on some, a hrm is a good investment but before I had one I did just eat back around two thirds of my exercise calories, my main goal was to make sure my net calories were 1200. What is your activity level set at? What kind of exercises do you log?

    I also think it's important to watch other things, I make sure I'm not over on my fats, carbs and sodium as well as my calories, I try and make most things are under. Also I log everything little thing be it a pinch of salt or even water in cooking which amounts to nothing. It's important to make sure those extra calories are mainly healthy stuff although I do believe in having a treat. I burn quite a lot so now eat quite a bit.

    Most people report gains in the beginning and this all depends on your eating style before, I had eaten under calories for years so I didn't expect an immediate loss but after a few months it's really working, see ticker!

    Don't give up just yet.
  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 123 Member
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