In need of Las Vegas Body! help!!!!!

I am 20 years old, turning 21 in may of this year. My dad gave me and my boyfriend tickets to Las Vegas!!!! I've lost 15 pounds so far and I started MFP about 3/4 weeks ago. I am very proud of myself so far. I've never been on a vactaion without my family. I'm very excited but one thing stands in my weight! I need to lose about 70 pounds by next year April 2013. If humanity lives lol jk. I wanna look good and feel good. Feel sexy and not feel as if I'm a fat pig. I wanna feel goood!!!!
I know losing weight isnt just losing weight fast, ITS ABOUT A LIFE CHANGE. Thats what I want! So far i've been working out 3/4 times a week for a hour to a hour and a half. So far I've been running, walking, stretching, jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups, and watching what i eat, and by that I mean watching my portions and calorie counting, I think I've been doing good so far too.
For food I've been eatind chicken, steak, and pork. I usually grill it of bake it. For veggies I eat green beans or corn and occasionally aspergus and lettuce. I only eat 1200-1300 calories a day, never eat back my calories.
I need help so give me your tips/exercise help and just overall support. I've read sucess stories that are very motivational. I wanna hear your stories and tips to please help me look good for las vegas!!!

PS: By the way I am 205! need to be 135 please god help me, this is the bigeest i've ever been.
And trust me i've only been a little chubby never big like this.