Has anyone read this book?

Just started reading Master Your Metabolism by Jillian Michaels. Has anyone had a chance to read this? If so what did you think and how did it help you?


  • freezeframe
    freezeframe Posts: 184
    I read it and loved it!! Really makes you stop and think about what you are putting into your body. It has definitely changed the way I am eating. If it doesn't grow in the ground and it didn't have a mother than you shouldn't eat it!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    How have you done with going organic? It is much more expensive and I live in a small town so there are few fresh fruits and veggies that I can purchase organic. Have you seen changes in your body since reading the book?
  • FletcherChic
    FletcherChic Posts: 158
    i haven't read it but i follow the same eating principles as freezeframe...if it didn't grow in the ground or have a mother - i don't eat it....i have so much energy and my body likes the "freshness" of what i'm putting into it, but it is soooo much more expensive to eat like this.....especially buying lots of protein...i am also doing the wholeapproach.com cleanse (which is basically the same way of eating - no processed foods, no dairy, lots and lots of veggies, good fats, and protein) and i can tell you that cellulite is fading (yay!!!!! and i have zero cravings for junk (double yay!!!)
  • freezeframe
    freezeframe Posts: 184
    I have switched some of my fruits and veggies for the organic ones, you are right they are more expensive, but by cutting out almost all the processed crap from my household I haven't really been paying any more for my groceries than before. Just shopping more often to get fresh fruit and veggies, and I have tried and now like a lot more veggies than I did before. I don't even recognize my cart when I get to the cashier anymore, it is so much healthier now. I feel great with the change and feel so much better about what I am feeding my family as well. It wasn't as hard to switch or lifestyle as I thought it would be.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • freezeframe
    freezeframe Posts: 184
    i haven't read it but i follow the same eating principles as freezeframe...if it didn't grow in the ground or have a mother - i don't eat it....i have so much energy and my body likes the "freshness" of what i'm putting into it, but it is soooo much more expensive to eat like this.....especially buying lots of protein...i am also doing the wholeapproach.com cleanse (which is basically the same way of eating - no processed foods, no dairy, lots and lots of veggies, good fats, and protein) and i can tell you that cellulite is fading (yay!!!!! and i have zero cravings for junk (double yay!!!)

    I agree with the no cravings of junk now, if I am looking for sweet it is for grapes or blueberries, etc. God's candy!!!
  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    Thanks for your help ladies! I've done the 'wholeapproach diet' and generally follow a pretty clean lifestyle but lately something changed and I've been trying to fix it. I questioned Jillian's credibility because she doesn't really have formal education in the subject, but the book has been reviewed by doctors.
  • coachkathy
    coachkathy Posts: 35
    I enjoyed reading all your post about "clean eating". I just recently purchased "The Primal Blueprint" by Mark Sisson & it is a great book! :smile:
  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    Please let me know how it is. I'm always looking for new health/fitness books to keep me motivated and learning!