Hate for 'strong' girls....?



  • emmamcc1981
    emmamcc1981 Posts: 133 Member
    thank you for all your posts! i didn't expect to get any more! :D

    lots of points to think about, good and bad - i think i'm going to focus on finding healthy friends with more similar goals to me. that is a good starting point.

    your comments about me being a potential man-stealer really made me laugh though! :D i can barely manage the one i've got! hahaha!!!

    I'll have to get some more pictures for my profile too....

    thank you peeps, i love that you've taken the time to reply to me. seems like the time has come for more change - and not just food-wise or exercise-wise this time.

    it really IS a whole lifestyle change! *lightbulb moment*
  • curvatrino
    curvatrino Posts: 33 Member
    Don't dress down for the school run, dress it up a bit, look them in the eye and smile. it's up to them what they do after that.

    You've worked hard to get where you are, so be proud of it.

    Haters gonna hate.

  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I used to get a lot of hate in high school when I was playing sports with the boys. I was called a slut and various other names by jealous girls because I was talking to the boys they liked. It's stupid but it's how a lot of girls and women operate. But in your case, it doesn't seem to me that these are specifically related to your looks or your new found health. Maybe, maybe not. I wouldn't dress down for the school run. If the women have a problem with the way you look, they'll still have a problem with the way you look in sweats. If they are threatened by you, there is nothing you can do to change that. I think I might evaluate my attitude and the way I talk to people. It could be that you've changed the way you act now and you don't even realize it. It could also be that these people were never your friends in the first place.
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    My advice:

    1. Take your ID with you next time...everytime.

    2. Drop your kid off and get over it. Those people aren't worth your time.

    Keep taking care of your body, mind and spirit. You can't please everyone. If I spent all my time worrying about the b*itches that didn't like me....all I would have time to worry about is bi*tches who don't like me.

    And I know I'm awesome...you should feel that way too :flowerforyou:
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member

    I think I am to thick skinned to notice hate, have been told it is around so many times, but personally it does not effect me, I choose not to pay any attention and I also love to kill them with kindness....... That is just me xxxxxxxxxxxx

    Report this woman, who does she think she is?? She is there providing a service, you going in pays her wages. How rude.

    It sounds like you have come a long way and are being noticed GOOD FOR YOU XXX :heart: :heart: :heart:

    To be honest would you want to drink in there? NO, with staff like that if you did have a drink you would be a target. Report her, simple.... Turn the hate to your advantage use it to train even more.. xxxx

    Dont worry about pleasing anyone, you are the only person who needs to make you happy xxxxxxxxxx As you are the only person who spends so much time with you xxxxxxx Hugs hugs and more hugs xxx

    I am love who I am, people have told me I think a lot of myself, soooooooooooooooooooo what?? Why should it bother anyone??? You sound like a nice person who has had the unfortunate to mix with some not so nice people xxxxx

    Not even sure if anyone will read this, but hugs and keep that head up xxxxxxx AND get stronger xxx
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    I'm sorry that's happening to you. I'm not remotely fit but working hard to get there and the ladies who lift heavy, to me, are stunning. I have heard people talking mess about women who are muscular so the.fact that you'd be treated like that doesn't surprise me at all. We can be so cruel to each other, can't we? Not enough make-up, too much make up. Too fat, too thin. Too matronly, too slutty. Too flabby or too muscular. We're flipping awful to each other. Keep doing what makes you happy. The closer you get to peace within yourself the further you get from the detractors and the affect their opinions have on you.