I have lost no weight

It's the end of my first week and I have lost zero pounds. I measured myself and I am a bit smaller in the areas I measured, but I can't say it's not disappointing.


  • cwagers
    It's the end of my first week and I have lost zero pounds. I measured myself and I am a bit smaller in the areas I measured, but I can't say it's not disappointing.
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    I empathise with you. I know as well that we all understand that we are doing this to be healthy and the movement on the scale is a byproduct... but, boy, it sure makes you feel good when that scale moves!

    That being said, a lot of the literature I have read says it can sometimes take up to 4 weeks to really see the results of a change in activity or diet. I know a lot of people here have really big weight loss their first week, but some of us don't. I've been moving very slowly and just this week started to see some good movement on my scale and this is my 4th week of doing this.

    Hang in there, you will see the scale move and it's great that you have already seen some inches off in just a week!

    :flowerforyou: Jess
  • jude2700
    HI welcome to the frustrating part of weight loss.If you have lost inches then you are building muscle, and you really are losing fat.1 lb of fat is the same in weight as 1 lb of muscle only muscle takes up less room than fat.So hang in there,you are doing great.
  • cwagers
    Thanks. I needed someone to say "hang in there."
  • magari14
    i feel you. i've been working out hardcore for three weeks now and i don't think i've lost a pound. but, i think you're body needs to get used to you working out again and pushing it. if you're getting smaller you really probably are gaining muscle mass. don't let it get you down. you'll be smaller before you know what happened to your jeans :)
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    At least you are a bit smaller in some places...hey! Do you think your pants care if you are 1 lb less? Nah, what they really care about is the breething room that losing inches provide.

    Maybe analyze your caloric intake, foods, liquids, etc. but keep on losing those inches.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I agree with what everyone else is saying. Remember that you didn't gain all the weight in a week either. I know I gain a lot of water weight that time of month or if I'm eating too many salty things and/or not drinking enough water. Check the sodium level of the food your eating. If that is really high, it could just be water.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    I hear you hon! that scale can make or break me some days ....well everyday! sigh

    but if you see the inches or cloths fitting better than that's awesome! I too am at a stand still the first few days I was dropping the pounds....lots 5 then went back up and so now its four and its been constant for a few days....I'm thinking two things....sodium, I'm really trying to watch it now and not enough exercise or water....so stepping those up too....I have to say my coat fit me a heck of lot better today though....so that put a skip in my step.....:happy:

    I'd say use the scale to make sure you dont' go up....and if you lose weight then awesome but keep measuring yourself and tell yourself that's what will matter...for now anyway LOL....w/ me its all about getting my head right w/ it ha ha!

    good luck!!!!!!!