Re-occuring Issue

Hello, this is my first post on here! I was just wondering if anyone else has the same issue that continuously happens to me. I do great by logging foods for weeks or a month a time, then one day, I let myself slip and have one horribly bad treat; next thing I know, it balloons from there. It happened this weekend, started on Friday, continued in through Sunday night. I didn't log anything on MFP or really care to watch what I ate. It seems to happen to me where I'll get motivation, then stop for a few days, get more motivation, it seems like an endless cycle.

Has anyone else had this happen to them and what do you do to get through it and continue to log well? (Kind of a broad question I know, but any help would be greatly appreciated as it happens with both my fiancé and I!)



  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    we all fall. OFTEN. you just have to keep climbing back on. For me, it's hard on the weekends because i have the support of my co-workers monday-friday. I try to keep my fridge and cabinets void of all things that i cannot eat in moderation. Certain things like chips and ice cream, i just cannot have in the house PERIOD.

    yes, endless cycle. Sometimes i'll go 2 weeks before falling off for a day, and sometimes it's more frequent. Just keep doing it!!

    EDIT: it helps to use the social aspect of this site for support. log in a few times a day and see what everyone else is eating.... stay in touch.... add me if you like!
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Yeah, I'm with you. Don't know what the answer is though! I tell myself to let a bad day go and start again, but my motivation drops right down. Talking to other people about why I'm doing it in the first place seems to help a bit. Plus for a while I made my diary completely private so I could log honestly and not feel embarrassed, which I thought was agreat idea but I still didn't do it :(
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Been there, done that. We all fall from time to time. That's why it's so important that you create a plan for yourself that you can stick too. Life was meant to be lived but we have to learn to control ourselves as well. The most important thing I learned was to make sure I was eating enough! I raised my calorie limit and find that I no longer have those cravings that threw me off the wagon. Do I treat myself? Yes. But I keep it within reason. You can do this, it's a process and you have to take it one day at a time!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,062 Member
    You're not alone.....

    Just keep practicing. It gets easier.
  • redlion45
    redlion45 Posts: 155 Member
    Been there, done that. We all fall from time to time. That's why it's so important that you create a plan for yourself that you can stick too. Life was meant to be lived but we have to learn to control ourselves as well. The most important thing I learned was to make sure I was eating enough! I raised my calorie limit and find that I no longer have those cravings that threw me off the wagon. Do I treat myself? Yes. But I keep it within reason. You can do this, it's a process and you have to take it one day at a time!

    THIS ^^^^

    We all fall off the wagon, and I did as well this weekend. You just have to get back on track as soon as you can. Nobody, I mean nobody eats totally clean 100% of the time. It's a long race, not a sprint.
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    Exercise. That is what did it for me. I make a point to go to the gym every day, or at least four or five times a week and when I do, I don't feel as bad about it if I binge a little, but really, the exercise keeps me at a point where I don't want to screw up all the work I do at the gym so I don't really want to binge.
  • Actually_Mike
    Actually_Mike Posts: 61 Member
    That's what I keep telling myself! Just nice to know that I'm not the only one. Here's to hoping I can continuously keep logging now without stopping! Got to get rid of this "pot belly" that has been created. I do go the gym 5 days a week, with cardio M-F (HITT on M,W,F). Strength training also on MWF, I just hope that schedule will keep me more motivated. :) Thanks all!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I log it anyway. Even if I am too busy to get on MFP all weekend, I log it on Monday. Knowing that I am going to log it, if not today, then tomorrow or the next day, keeps me from going too overboard.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Here's to hoping I can continuously keep logging now without stopping!

    Hoping won't do you a bit of good, you've just simply got to do it!!