3 weeks counting calories and working out and NOTHING!



  • erikapereira
    Thank u all for the feedback and valuable info. I´ll correct what Im doing wrong :)
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    are you PMSing or on your period? if so, wait til after and weigh yourself again, you will be surprised.
  • snewsome7
    snewsome7 Posts: 189
    Did you take your measurements before you started? You may not be losing on the scale, but you could be losing inches. I know my first month using this site I did not lose a pound. If this is something new, your body may be like "hold on what is going on here?". But if you continue to do what you are doing, your body will let go of the fat easier.
  • wrecked_willow
    It took me five whole weeks to see the first pound go! You just have to give your body some time to adjust to your new lifestyle.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member

    Definitely share your diary. It may be that you have to eat more...sounds crazy, but gotta get metabolism going. I just met w/ my nutritionist last week and had to find out why I was 'peaked out' and not losing. I was doing 5 /week workouts and burning 1000+ cal between cardio and weights, abs etc. Turns out I had to vary my workouts and maybe start w/weights 1st and end w/cardio. Also, focus on higher protein before and after my workouts. I'm eating 5 times /day and sticking to lots of green veggies, multi grain foods and good proteins like fish, egg whites and turkey bacon for bkfast etc. Easter was bad, but I'm allow a cheat meal /week.Helps me not fall off too bad! lol

    Try small meals thorughout the day and vary your workout routines. Circuit training is great too!

    BEst wishes,
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    YES, sounds so counterproductive, but eat more!! Also, since you're working out pretty tough, try to hit your protein macro daily!
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    If I were you I would take the meals you put in your diary and split it into ingredients instead of lumping it all together.. For example the day you had 3 tacos... you need to put the hamburger separate... whatever you cooked it in ie oil maybe... your cheese... sour cream if you used it , the taco shells etc. I think you may be underestimating calories but you wont know until you separate it out. Be sure you are measuring and weighing your food...
    The "experts" say people underestimate their calories by 40%. the only way to eliminate that possibility is to make sure you list every ingredient you eat and what you use to prepare it.,

    Good luck and dont give up! You are on the right track and will find success!!
  • erikapereira
    If I were you I would take the meals you put in your diary and split it into ingredients instead of lumping it all together.. For example the day you had 3 tacos... you need to put the hamburger separate... whatever you cooked it in ie oil maybe... your cheese... sour cream if you used it , the taco shells etc. I think you may be underestimating calories but you wont know until you separate it out. Be sure you are measuring and weighing your food...
    The "experts" say people underestimate their calories by 40%. the only way to eliminate that possibility is to make sure you list every ingredient you eat and what you use to prepare it.,

    Good luck and dont give up! You are on the right track and will find success!!

    thanks for the advice. Around two weeks ago I started separate the ingredients and sometimes it makes a big difference. I havent dropped nothing yet but I am feeling better. Hopefully this week I will try a bootcamp class to see how it goes and some jogging.