Any Russians on MFP?

I am having the darnedest time translating some of traditional Russian dishes but at the same time i am beginning to value mom's zelenyi borsch ...that's Sorrel Soup in English :) would love to add some Russian friends!


  • RachelT14
    RachelT14 Posts: 266 Member
    Hi I am not Russian but i studied Russian at University. Ate loads of Zelenyi borsch during my 6 months over there. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like :smile:
  • ATK57
    ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
    Bump! Are there any besides me?
  • JamesOfLondon
    JamesOfLondon Posts: 60 Member
    I'm not Russian, but I spent a year in central Siberia (Barnaul) when I was 18, and LOVED it!
  • skuli
    skuli Posts: 5 Member
    I am having the darnedest time translating some of traditional Russian dishes but at the same time i am beginning to value mom's zelenyi borsch ...that's Sorrel Soup in English :) would love to add some Russian friends!


    I use
    That's a great site! It takes free text recipe and converts it into a grid with nutrition facts.
    For example: "750 г шампиньонов, 2 луковицы, 3 помидора, 2 сладких зеленых перца, 4 ложки сливок, 1 ч.л. перца красного молотого, 1 ч.л. картофельного крахмала, сок 1 лимона, 50 г сливочного масла, соль, перец черный молотый."
  • bond0007
    bond0007 Posts: 10
    Im Russian, I have the same exact dilemma. Have a hard time finding katleti & Blini here lol. Feel free to add me.
  • JamesOfLondon
    JamesOfLondon Posts: 60 Member
    Several Russian product (food) stores in London.

    Love pilmeni!
  • linochka1969
    linochka1969 Posts: 136 Member
    A few months late, but I am Russian and feel free to add me
  • lorasalim
    lorasalim Posts: 39 Member
    Not russian but speak russian :-) (from lithuania,was a part of Russia long time ago) and like Borsch very much,can eat every day :-)