eating back calories

So I have seen a few posts on this subject but I am still confused as to what to do. I am ordering a HRM to get an accurate calorie burn. I have been doing p90x for 5 weeks. I can tell that I am gaining muscle ( I have two butt cheeks instead of four) and I can keep up with Tony Horton much better than the first week, but the dang scale is not budging and I am getting frustrated!! So I have tried not eating back calories a few weeks and sticking with the 1200 calorie a day. I was thinking why exercise at all if you eat back everything you burn. This wasn't working so I decided to try eating back calories and I am still not seeing great results. Maybe I am a bit too impatient. What do you do and why as far as eating back or not?


  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Eat 'em is fuel. And don't be so impatient......give it weeks, better yet a month or two.
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    Eat until your satisfied but not stuffed... No point in trying to fit in extra calories just because you need extra calories. Listen to your body and it will guide you how to consume.

    How do you feel?

    I myself have a very slow digestion system so everything I eat sticks with me. On the other hand if you digest food faster then maybe more calories may be easier for you. It's all so individual that it's hard to tell a person to eat exercise calories or not.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I eat back 85-90% leaving the difference for error in calories burned and or logged. My MFP is set to lose a pound a week so my BMR is set to 2300 a day and I am currently eating 3200 calories a day..... You have to fuel your body for your workouts... And give it some time, you may break even or might gain a few while your body adjusts to get fed... Once that happens you should start losing again.... Good Luck!!
  • Laurielronic
    Laurielronic Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks everyone! :bigsmile:
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    Eat 'em back.

    If I did not eat mine back I'd be fueling my body with 760 calories in a day. 760!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!