Am I a narcissist ?



  • kayhatlen
    kayhatlen Posts: 46
    In no way are you even close to being narcissistic. You are a normal person who worked his *kitten* off to get healthier. So your family does not know how to handle this right. It's their problem, not yours. Keep looking after your own health and happiness. Maybe someday they will understand. Most possibly there are some who are jealous of your success. You have a right to post your accomplishments and should be very proud!
  • maries2029
    maries2029 Posts: 10 Member
    No you are not! My family is the same way which over the years I have come to believe is part of the reason for my failure to stick with the program. After moving away from family I started to observe their lifestyles and how bad they are. I finally came to the conclusion that it was jealousy and that is why I never received a positive response for what I have been trying to do in order to break the cycle. Keep doing what you're doing and ignore the negative, you never know it,may be they're cry for help from you.
  • SWEETS1234
    SWEETS1234 Posts: 243 Member
    People who don't workout, just don't get it. What you do is incomprehensible to them. It would be like a billionaire explaining to me the advantages of NetJets vs. buying. It is a subject that will never ever effect me. Would I really be interested? Honestly, half heartedly. Others would just write him off as some rich blowhard. But other billionaires would fully engage in the conversation with him, because it may effect their life. It's not your families fault, you are just talking about things that are beyond their understanding. That is the best analogy that I can think of. Now go work on getting your mile per minute, down to a 9 min. mile :-)

  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Family reactions have always floored me. These days, I guess I expect just about anything, good or bad, from them. Bottom line is you aren't egotistical for being healthy & fit, and pushing yourself in that regard. Not at all. If you are doing it for the reaction from family, you're setting yourself up for disappointment... but it just sounds like you've found something that challenges you, that you enjoy doing, and so more power to you. Keep doing it. I guess the trick is to welcome support while taking criticism with a grain of salt, and have a decent amount of f*** you for those morons who are simply miserably jealous and begrudging.
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    Nope. You are healthy and well adjusted. Keep it up.
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    It breaks my heart that your family reacted this way! I would have praised you and then dragged you into a corner to tell me how I could do what you do too! I haven't shared my goals with any of my family, and hopefully some day one of them might even notice. but in the meantime, I do what I do as should you.

    So from me, congrats! Way to go! Atta Boy! Nice work! Awesome Job, and keep up the good work!!!!! Hugs to you!!!
  • DameVenus
    DameVenus Posts: 70
    Not at all! You should be so proud of yourself!
  • reallymyBEST
    reallymyBEST Posts: 242 Member
    A narcissist does not ask that question. They are so caught up in seeking attention (it's a full time job) that they don't even realize how they may be coming off. Do you have feelings other than those of fear and anger? If so, you are not a narcissist. And if you showed me your eyes, I could tell. If they look dead, cold, and reptilian, full of hate that is wrongly interpreted as intensity, then they may belong to a narcissist.

    Not a "feel good" response, but I was in the company of a narcissist for several years...
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    Narcissist? No.

    Absolutely amazing role model for your children? HECK yes!!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I don't think being self-involved makes one a narcissist.

    I don't care about anything by myself, my boyfriend and my dogs. Seriously. I have my reasons, but that is what works for me. I think when people involve others in their life then string them along for fickle, selfish, ego-stroking reasons is when you're a narcissist.

    Basically, live your life for you. That's all there is!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    People who don't workout, just don't get it. What you do is incomprehensible to them. It would be like a billionaire explaining to me the advantages of NetJets vs. buying. It is a subject that will never ever effect me. Would I really be interested? Honestly, half heartedly. Others would just write him off as some rich blowhard. But other billionaires would fully engage in the conversation with him, because it may effect their life. It's not your families fault, you are just talking about things that are beyond their understanding. That is the best analogy that I can think of. Now go work on getting your mile per minute, down to a 9 min. mile :-)

    That was a damn good analogy. :drinker:

    But, I don't work out and I get it. ;)
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Not at all!.. Ppl tend to talk and say stuff about things they cant do/have, so I wouldnt worry. Its your life and your body..

    Keep up the good job, and congrats btw!
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    Google "crabs in a bucket."
  • nszocinski
    nszocinski Posts: 156 Member
    Narcissist? No.

    Absolutely amazing role model for your children? HECK yes!!

  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    Hey if you don't toot your own horn then who will?
  • MelsieK
    MelsieK Posts: 72
    Another one in the no camp. I get the same from family and friends. In fact one person has stopped inviting us to stuff, because it's too 'hard' to find food for me to eat.

    I say keep up the great work, don't worry about them, at least you know you are doing everything in your power to ensure you live a long, happy healthy life.
  • usedasbrandnew
    usedasbrandnew Posts: 300 Member
    I think you should be proud to be a dork who can wear spandex bike shorts. Not everyone can, well they physically can (ME) but perhaps shouldn't. (ME) :laugh:
  • amdahwd
    amdahwd Posts: 237 Member
    This is the very reason I do not post things very often on my public page on Facebook... Don't want to hear the negativity about the things I am doing that I am proud of. Some of my friends and I started a private page and the only thing we post about is weight loss, NSVs, motivation, food, etc. That way I can talk to people who care and support what I am doing - even if they are not at that point yet.
  • becca2222
    No, you are not a narcissist; you are an ACHIEVER, and there is a hell of a huge difference. The family folks who are whining and griping about your accomplishments should be ashamed of how they've treated your improved health!
    I say CONGRATS to you and keep on posting on whatever page makes you happy!! You are improving your life and it sounds like jealousy of some of your family......
    I ride a road bike too, and just recently, logged 1000 miles on it, and let me tell you, if I could have, I would have taken out a billboard in Times Square to announce my accomplishment!!!
    Keep on keeping on with your success and just smile and walk away when the air gets muffled with negativity.....

    Becca :happy:
  • Bigmomma0u812
    I'm married to a narcissist. It's no picnic. Loving yourself and taking care of yourself to have a healthier lifestyle has nothing at all to do with true narcissism, its a completely different ballgame. You should be proud, nothing wrong with it.