Healthy Snack Ideas - Low Sugar

Can you all suggest healthy snacks that you eat. I've found myself purchasing snacks that lead to me going over my sugar goal of 20 g per day. I've purchased Nutrigrain bars, different 100 calorie snacks, yogurt bars, granola bars, the caramel rice cake chips,etc... Even the apples and strawberries make my sugar intake shoot through the roof. This is my only struggle. Not that I crave sugar at all, but I need other choices for "snacks" and "breakfast cereal bar" choices. Even the fruit cups I purchase are full of sugar. Its like you can't get away from it. Any ideas? Preferably fat burning/protein choices. Thanks a lot.


  • Never thought I would say this but CELERY!!!! I was looking for ways to up my protein and someone suggested peanut butter on celery, and omg it's awesome! The peanut butter itself can be quite high in calories, but try celery with lower cal/ sugar things like cottage cheese or houmous. Seriously, amazing... and totally satisfies my crunch cravings. This is coming from a girl who loves nothing more than chocolate!!! :noway: :love:

    Also, rice cakes, mmm love em!

    For breakfast try porridge/ oats, with fruit instead of sugar. And check where MFP is attributing your sugar from - it doesn't differentiate between the sugar from fruit, and the "bad" sugars from elsewhere which can be really annoying and make you think you've gone over on the bad stuff.

    Stay away from the granola. Love this stuff but so high in cals and sugar it's just not worth it x
  • Here are some non-sugary snacks (but from your original list it looks like you prefer sweet over savory):

    Pita and hummus (I recommend Flatout Flatbreads-- rosemary and olive oil type, only 50 cals per 4 inch disc, or 100 cals per serving)

    Sliced up veggies and yogurt ranch dip (I mix 0% chobani with Hidden Valley ranch powder and dip carrots, tomatoes, and red peppers-- YUM!)

    Tortilla chips and salsa (chips can be high in cals, but you can get a decent serving for under 200 cals and it feels like such an indulgance)

    Cous Cous (I don't know why, but a 1/2 cup of cous cous with a drizzle of olive oil and sprinkle of salt puts me in heaven!)

    Yogurt (you can try plain and add your own fruit/honey, or go with 'lower sugar' brands (not FAKE/DIET brands) like Chobani or Fage-- they may have more sugar than you're looking for, but the protein in it helps keep you sooo full!)

    Cheese sticks (these are usually around 90 cals)

    Crackers and cheese or hummus (I will get nut thins by Blue Diamond, or sesame thins-- Trader Joes)

    Hope this helps!!