At a stand still. PLEASE HELP!



  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    okay. I will push myself to finish the last 200 cal that I need to meet my daily goal. Thanks for all your help guys. Wish me luck =^_^=

    Once you get into the groove of things you'll be fine. Don't deprive yourself...weight loss doesn't have to be about deprivation. Good luck!
  • JCCarroll1968
    JCCarroll1968 Posts: 6 Member
    I have to agree with what many of the people on this post are saying in the fact that you are not eating enough. I know when I started with my journey I was eating about 1200 a day and was doing what you are doing (lots of water) and I started off great. After a couple of weeks I grinded to a halt. Got to talking to a friend here in MFP who reviewed my food diary and told me I was not eating enough. I thought she was insane but educated me on the things people have mentioned here. She suggested a menu that I follow for 3 days and increased me to about 1500- 1600 calories and my stall went away. So don't be afraid to eat more as long as it is healthy foods and make sure you are drinking your water. I find that if I drink 12 or more cups of water a day my loses are better. You are off to a great start and don't be discouraged.
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    It doesn't sound like your doing anything wrong at all... possibly your gaining muscle and losing fat. Have you measured yourself??? I bet your losing inches. Don't get discouraged!!! Add me if you would like :smile:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Wish I could help but your diary is private. Bet you're undereating though.
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    Hi just seen this, yea all of the other replies are right, you are not eating enough. Your doing great so far, a muffin is not enough. Have something like a jacket potatoe with low fat cheese spread and a grilled chicken breast with salad, or something along those lines, hope its works out for you. You also need to measure yourself, I do both since I lose inches when the scales say I haven't lost any weight:smile:
  • KailaJordan
    everyone is right - you are not eating enough calories. calories are energy and they are only stored as fat when your body has used enough that it needs. because you are not eating enough, your body will think it is being starved and will start to store fat. i have quite a large friend who moans that she can't shift the weight but it is because she barely eats a thing throughout the day!!! calories are good and you need them if you are exercising! plus, eating little but often boots your metabolism and burns off fat quickly. on average, women are supposed to eat around 2000 calories a day. if you want to lose weight, you should cut around 700 calories out of your diet. that leaves you with 1300 calories a day. you shouldn't really eat any lower than 1200. hope this helps!
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    I agree with what others have said. Make sure that you eat breakfast - something that I used to not do. It made a difference in how I felt in the morning (gave me more energy) and helped space my calories out during the day.
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    " To lose weight, you need to eat less! " has been beaten in our heads so much by friends, family members, and fad diets, that it is hard for us to grasp the concept that to lose weight properly, we may need to actually eat more. Starving yourself is not the way to go. I eat more now than I did when I wasn't trying lose weight, and I'm losing weight! You don't need luck, you just need to do it.
  • kendra0224
    I was having an issue with this recently, and I found it helpful in my case to alternate days and calories, for example, on friday I ate about 1600 calories, and then saturday I am closer to 1200. It has been working for me, but as you know everyone's body works differently. I normally try to have about 2-3 days at around 1200-1300 cals, and then a day with a bit more (between 1400-1600) It has also helped me from being extremely hungry and then having a complete binge and suffering a weight gain.
  • BABY14342069
    =^_^= I will do my full 1600.
  • kpb16
    kpb16 Posts: 7
    It's very hard to intake enough calories without feeling like you're overeating.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    I hit my plateau nutritionist suggestion varying my workouts.... maybe try doing light weights and high reps. 1st and then your cardio. Try to find your target heart rate for fat burning.... Formal I found is 220, minus your age, multipy by 70% to show your max fat burn target heart rate. Mine was 129 BPM (beat per minute)which seemed so slooowww for me , but got more out of my workouts this way. Our bodies get use to our workouts and wont allow you to get the most out of them. Vary the order of workouts and maybe do 2-3 different cardio machines during your workout and stay in your ideal fat burn zone for alteast 20 mins. at a time. Also, try 'circuit training' at the gym....good variety of weights and cardio. Your body will trip out w/the change and will let you burn.

    Also try to stick to higher protein in morning and eat your complex carbs throughout the day and avoid carbs like starchy stuff (white rice, white bread, etc.) and watch sugars like grapes, pineapple, junk food and processed foods. Eat 5 times a day, breakfast, lunch ,dinner and 2 snacks. Eat all the calories MFP suggests adn you'll be good. Keep your water up too and avoid sodas and sugary drinks.

    good luck!

    To me your post is very confusing. I agree to some extent. It's not good to go by a percentage to determine your heart rate zones. I do agree it's best to stay within your fat burning zone(low intensity). Varying workouts changes the "intensity" this is just a fancy way of saying "you burn more calories." It still boils down to calories either way. If you do a different form of exercise you're training muscles that are under trained so it will be more stressful which will increase your HR and burn more calories. But this will ALSO increase your HR... so it really makes no difference if you're in the fat burning zone.

    The eating 5 meals a day thing isn't fully necessary. What matters is total calories per the day.

    Hey, thanks for sharing as well....

    Just still trying to figure all of this out...the fat burn zone seems be hard to figure person said im 140-170 (which is high) and another person said low intensity for fat burn zone (between 111-129). I bought the HRM to determine best zones.

    In regards to calories vs # of meals....I have a family member that eats one meal a day and this cant be good. She'll eat a huge meal (may even be her caloric intake for the entire day). But her body is now in starvation mode and her internal furnace is non existant. I do believe you have to get your body working for you and give it confidence that you are going to eat again and not starving yourself. At the end of the day, its all about balance and use the basic food groups and drink water to add oxygen to your body. Get off the couch and shake somethin :)

    So far this has worked for me, but each person has to come to their own determinations. :)

    Happy weight-loss !
  • BABY14342069
    I have been working out. I swim laps just about every day and its really paying off. I noticed that I haven't been dropping the lbs like I want but I am most definitely losing inches and toning up. I am down one size in my chest and my shorts are getting lose on me. Also my arms are much smaller and I have muscle again! So I am thrilled. I have been doing my full 1600 cal intake too. Its really hard because its a lot to eat but I am managing. =^_^= I am very proud of myself!
  • ByrdMessy
    ByrdMessy Posts: 94
    When you work out more, you have to eat more. Looking over your diary is alarming. You have 3,000 calorie deficit days BEFORE the deficit that MyFitnessPal already figures in. Anyone who is telling you it's ok to drink soda and eat candy and little else that day, while working off more calories than you've had that same day, is doing you a great disservice. Please don't listen to the people on this thread saying you're doing nothing wrong. Please don't consider this healthy behavior. If your diary truly reflects what you're doing, you need to talk to a professional. You asked for help. Please take it.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    I noticed that you did not mention weightlifting... This is as important as cardio, Adding muscle gives you the ability to burn fat at a resting rate, the more muscle the more fat you can burn, and you have to make sure that your cardio kicks your *kitten*. Be careful of fruits they are still sugar to your system.:smile:
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    I am 30 I wont say my weight, my goal weight is 180 my goal is 5 lbs a month my activity level is high. I am always on the go. I am unemployed, so I am always walking my dog, doing yard work, as for exercises I swim. I do about 60 laps a day and not just slow I go all out competition swimming. I use to be on the swim team in High school. I also walk the treadmill and I am leaning Taichi.

    as for eating this is what I did today:
    I had for lunch Grilled fish sandwich with no condiments
    for dinner I had a english muffin with honey and Activia vanilla yogurt
    for a snack I had one serving of Wasabi peas,and a 1/4 serving of sunflower seeds

    I just wanted to tell you what I fed my children today. My 15 month old and 3 yo are still home with me, so I'll use them cause I know exactly what they ate.

    Breakfast: 2 eggs, and one cup of cherrios with milk
    Snack : one small banana
    Lunch: baby carrots with newmans own ranch dressing, PB and honey sandwich for the 3yo, no added sugar jam for the baby, pretzels.
    Snack: two of the crunchy nature valley granola bars. 8oz of fruit juice.
    Dinner: 2 slices of homemade cheese pizza and a glass of milk, 1/2 cup of ice cream for dessert.

    And as you can see from this picture, my children aren't overweight.
  • BABY14342069
    As for going to get professional help that is a definite no go. No funds. Its bad enough that my husband works two jobs and we JUST make our house payment and bills, I cant even get my medication for my depression and anxiety attacks. As for weight lifting I will do that at some point. Im taking it one step at a time as of now. I have actually been seeing improvements so I am really happy.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    I have to agree with what many of the people on this post are saying in the fact that you are not eating enough. I know when I started with my journey I was eating about 1200 a day and was doing what you are doing (lots of water) and I started off great. After a couple of weeks I grinded to a halt. Got to talking to a friend here in MFP who reviewed my food diary and told me I was not eating enough. I thought she was insane but educated me on the things people have mentioned here. She suggested a menu that I follow for 3 days and increased me to about 1500- 1600 calories and my stall went away. So don't be afraid to eat more as long as it is healthy foods and make sure you are drinking your water. I find that if I drink 12 or more cups of water a day my loses are better. You are off to a great start and don't be discouraged.

    great words of encouragement!! i have to do better with my water too!! happy journey!
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    I noticed that you did not mention weightlifting... This is as important as cardio, Adding muscle gives you the ability to burn fat at a resting rate, the more muscle the more fat you can burn, and you have to make sure that your cardio kicks your *kitten*. Be careful of fruits they are still sugar to your system.:smile:

    i agree-great tips! weight lifting helped drop the inches. hurts the # on scale some, but as long as i get my %body fat down and lose inches, i'm happy w/that as well. w/balanced meals and workouts, you will lose and have healthy mind,body and soul! happy journey
  • ByrdMessy
    ByrdMessy Posts: 94
    As for going to get professional help that is a definite no go. No funds. Its bad enough that my husband works two jobs and we JUST make our house payment and bills, I cant even get my medication for my depression and anxiety attacks. As for weight lifting I will do that at some point. Im taking it one step at a time as of now. I have actually been seeing improvements so I am really happy.

    Have you tried seeking free help? Start here: