Setting carbs/fats and protien??

MFP set my carbs/fats and protien numbers but how do I know it is correct? I am doing p90x and am pretty active....I am at 160 and would like to be at 140...I am five foot seven too if that has any bearing??? Thanks for helping!


  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    MFP's default protein setting is pretty low.. from what I have heard alot of people reccomend 40% carbs 30% protein 30% fats if you are working out, I think it starts out at 20% protein?

    To get more precise: you are supposed to have 1 gram of protein per kg of weight (2.2 lbs in kg). Fats should be anywhere between 20-30%. Carbs is what is left over.

    This all is new to me though, so I wouldn't take it as gospel.